The Kremlin Letter (1970)


Directed by: John Huston

Stars: Bibi Andersson, Richard Boone, Nigel Green

Language: English | Subtitles: English, French (embed)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 2.40:1 | Brrip

Description: During the Cold War a Naval Intelligence officer endowed with a powerful photographic memory is transferred to the CIA to participate in a covert operation in Moscow.


1.39GB | 120:27mins | 1280×538 | mkv

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6 Responses to The Kremlin Letter (1970)

  1. Muff Diver says:

    This was a very underrated film, but very enjoyable for yours truly. And what a fabulous cast!

    They don’t make thrillers like this one anymore.

    Thanks, RL :)

  2. Ratt says:

    This is a great movie!!

  3. KARANAZ says:

    The director is so great but unfortunately the cast is unknown.

    • Hal Raglan says:

      Lila Kedrova and Micheál MacLiammóir may not be household names, but I’d hardly call the rest of the cast unknown.

    • Chris says:

      Richard Boone an unknown? Not in America!
      Nigel Green an unknown? Not in England and America!
      Orson Welles an unknown? Ha ha!
      No offense, my friend, among film fans such as us John Huston is very well known, that is true; but, among the average and casual movie buff I would certainly say just those three actors are more widely known and immediately recognizable.

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