The Guns (1964)


Directed by: Ruy Guerra

Stars: Átila Iório, Nelson Xavier, Maria Gladys

Language: Portuguese | Subtitles: English (srt)

Country: Brazil  | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Tvrip

Also known as: Os Fuzis

Description:  In 1963, in the village of Milagres in a very poor area of Brazil, a group of soldiers arrive to protect the store of a politician from a group of starving people. They have rifles for guarding the food and avoid the sacking by the population. One of the soldiers, completely drunken, kills a local in a dispute with his colleagues for killing a goat. The truck driver Gaúcho (Átila Iório) revolts against the passivity of a father that has just lost his little daughter, who died of starvation, and the pacific population that only prays and follows a preacher, and fights against the soldiers.


667MB | 83:22mins | 640×480 | avi

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2 Responses to The Guns (1964)

  1. FRANK YOUNG says:

    Thank you for this. This looks really good!

  2. Will Falls says:

    Thank you!

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