Tarzans Hidden Jungle (1955)


Directed by: Harold D. Schuster

Stars: Gordon Scott, Vera Miles, Peter van Eyck

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.298 | Dvdrip

Description: Hunters trespass into Sukulu country, where animals are sacred, posing as photographers. Their work has the blessing of the U.N.’s Dr. Celliers, close friend of the Sukulu chief. The hunters send the animals across a river where they can be shot, and the natives throw the good doctor and his nurse into a lion pit. Tarzan ape-calls the animals to safety and rescues the medicos.


1.35GB | 72:34mins | 623×480 | mkv

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4 Responses to Tarzans Hidden Jungle (1955)

  1. dmiller says:

    Good old timey saturday morning movie.

  2. damian campbell says:

    Thank you for this

  3. MaximusQ8™ - Abu Daisuke says:

    Thank you so much!

  4. David says:

    Thanks for the old jungle flick, looks like Vera Miles didn’t want to go skinny dipping with Tarz :)

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