Satan Was a Lady (2001)


Directed by: Doris Wishman

Stars: Honey Lauren, Glyn Styler, Edge

Language: English | Subtitles: Japanese (embed)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 5:3 | Dvdrip

Description: Wishman’s plot rotates around the maneuverings of a whore who longs for a touch of mink and a seat at the finer tables in life. Blackmail, betrayal, murder and malice are all part of her tender trade. Lord help anyone who lays in her way.


1.23GB | 83:24mins | 700×368 | mkv

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4 Responses to Satan Was a Lady (2001)

  1. temnix says:

    I watched this, and I liked it. There is no budget AT ALL, and the majority of the actors are not professionals, and plot is very thin, and dialogue flat – all of which more money really could remedy, smooth out, open skylights to more distant, more interesting meanings – but that is just the point of the movie. Money rules everything in the society it barely shows because it doesn’t need to, the society we know we live in. Money is not a miscellaneous circumstance that makes a movie a little better or worse. With money what happens and appears on a screen is one story, without – another. And nobody but one unfortunate and pathetic old man here has got dough, so the incoherent, stiff-jointed nada that comes off the screen is just the life that I, for instance, could afford: hanging around bare-walled bars, trying to pick up cheap hookers, living in lousy apartments. The cat with one broken paw that limps about the heroine’s is a fitting symbol of this. Because it is so cheap and trapped in its cheapness, the film does carry through a tragic quality that shines off the face of the main character with her overlarge head and overbright lipstick – pretty but not too pretty, young but not that young. What ties the events, such as they are, together and infuses an often-annoying life into the story is the remarkable music of Glyn Styler, who acts the part of the boyfiend. I had never heard of this singer and musician before, nor was I able to find information about him on the Internet afterwards, but he is the real deal. His voice is unusual and overall good, and his lyricism piercing. Sometimes, as I said, there is too much of his music – the non-stop cymbals pulsing in the background even in placid scenes really are unnecessary, but then I can’t easily suggest a replacement for the money. Glyn Styler also gives the movie’s best performance, but it is the songs that are remaining with me. I wish I could find them separately. All in all, this is a touching film for those who can still feel, telling nothing but the tale of existence itself – a mean, humble existence.

  2. Robbytag says:

    Though a 2001 movie it looks dated . Good nudity .

  3. DocBenway says:

    Amazing, thank you…

    If you had any rips from the recent Wishman box sets that came out (especially extra features / commentary tracks) they’d be really appreciated. Thanks for you hard work!

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