Malu e l’amante (1991)

Directed by:  Pasquale Fanetti

Stars: Malù, Anthony Steffen and Kieran Canter

Language:  Italian

Country:  Italy |  Imdb Info | dvdrip

Also known as:  Amante: The Lover, Sokaktan gelen kadin

Description:  Beautiful wife (Malu`) who marries a rich man but he is old and palletized. It seems that she has no alternative, but to seek and engage in sexual activities outside her marriage. Her lover is the help in their estate.



1.07gb | 78:43mins | 720×384 | avi


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5 Responses to Malu e l’amante (1991)

  1. Ali says:

    Manning mersi

  2. john says:

    superab movie!!!i love it

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