Boarding School (1978)


Directed by: André Farwagi

Stars: Nastassja Kinski, Gerry Sundquist, Stefano D’Amato

Country: Germany | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Dvdrip + Brrip

Also known as: Leidenschaftliche Blümchen

Description: This film tells the story about a group of girls at an exclusive German girls boarding school. Across the lake is an exclusive boys boarding school.

Preview BRRip German audio only

7.65GB | 100:08mins | 1792×1080 | mkv | German




Preview dvdrip with English, German (2tracks)
note English audio is with sync issues after 35mins into movie

1.68GB | 95:14mins | 716×574 | mkv | English, German (2tracks)

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17 Responses to Boarding School (1978)

  1. Ian says:

    Saw this as ‘Passion Flower Hotel’ on UK TV years ago.

    Remember the opening scene of one of the girls trying to get erect nipples without touching them and… almost nothing else.

  2. Harlan says:

    Great upgrade!

  3. rarelust says:

    added brrip but no subs

  4. Are says:

    i somewhat lined up the sound on this..after 37 mins was where the problem of out sync occurs..i cut the film up after that and lined it up and merged it back together. i would send you new file if possible.

  5. Smad says:

    Thanks to the comments, opted to download the German audio version.

    Has someone found English subs for this version?

  6. Ali says:

    I spoke too soon…the English audio goes completely out of sync 35 minutes in..very disappointing, after trying to get a decent copy of this elusive film. I was worried that this would happen because the German print is about 3 minutes longer than the English version that the audio track was lifted from. That would make it impossible to line up the audio with the movie. Anyway, the German audio is perfect, so for those who don’t mind the language difference, this is still a good upload…

    • Jack says:

      It just requires a more advanced edit, with hybridized English/German parts if need be. Pity the original uploader did not take the time to tailor it up perfectly.

  7. Ali says:

    I’m guessing this is the German dvd because that is the only 16×9 widescreen/restored dvd in existence. (“Boarding School” is a personal favorite of mine and I searched everywhere for a decent copy.) It seems like it’s a fan copy where someone added the English track by lifting it from the English language VHS source, because that German dvd that has the original German title “Leidenschaftliche Blumchen” does not have an English audio option…A similar process was used to make “The Driver’s Seat” with Elizabeth Taylor, available to English speaking audiences, using the beautiful Italian print that was released (foolishly) without the English audio, which is the movie’s ORIGINAL audio…a big “Thank you” to the fan who is reviving these lost movies, which should have been restored on bluray years ago….

  8. richarte says:

    Thank you very much!

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