To Sleep with a Vampire (1993)


Directed by:  Adam Friedman

Actors:  Scott Valentine, Charlie Spradling, Richard Zobel, Ingrid Vold

Language:  English

 Country:  Usa  |  Imdb Info | Dvdrip

Description:  Scott Valentine is a vampire who is torn between his need to feed and his desire to learn about the world of humans. But when he kidnaps Nina, a beautiful but troubled stripper, his world is turned upside down. For after she discovers that he cannot be hurt physically, Nina tries a new tactic — seduction.


1.46GB | 76:20mins | 702×480 | mkv

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5 Responses to To Sleep with a Vampire (1993)

  1. Big Dave says:

    Is this great 1990s Made-For-Cable type Softcore fare? Yes!

    But, is it actually much, much more, as a film? Also a yes.

    If you are a fan of the Vampire mythos, in terms of psychology, this one gets into that territory. Remember the end of “Interview with the Vampire” where the one Vampire talks about finally seeing the sun again, as movie technology develops and allows him to? The grinding psychological issues? Well, this one has a bit of coverage on that stuff.

    It also features a character stalked by the Vampire who on the surface looks like a ready target. Someone society really would not miss. However, they have had a rough life and have become a street smart survivor. Charlie Spradling’s beauty will surely lure you in to this one. The dialogue between the characters will hook you, though.

    It punches above its’ weight. Want to see Charlie Spradling getting her gear off? This movie is for you. Want to see a surprisingly good vampire movie in an adult way, plot wise, not just the nudity? This one is also for you. Vampire fans, give it a shot.

  2. Álvaro says:

    Looks like a remake of “Dance of the Damned” (1989) it is in this site too.

  3. Erik says:

    Great work … Thanks for this rare gem mate

  4. rarelust says:


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