The Inner Scar (1972)


Directed by: Philippe Garrel

Stars: Nico, Philippe Garrel, Christian Päffgen

Language: French | Subtitles: English, French, Japanese (embed)

Country: France | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.85:1 | Brrip

Also known as: La cicatrice intérieure

Description: A composition of symbolic, surreal and almost mystic images.


1.45GB | 60mins | 1024×554 | mkv

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5 Responses to The Inner Scar (1972)

  1. Mr.G. says:

    RL if you also have the rare Sweet Skin (aka Striptease) 1963/95mins dir.Jacques Poitrenaud, with Nico, would be fantastic to upload!

  2. Mr.G. says:

    Wow. Ali and Nathan, thanks a million I would have passed clueless had you not identified Desetshore with it !!! RL respect.

  3. Ali says:

    The HOLY GRAIL of arthouse cinema; been wanting to see this movie for 20 years, ever since I saw the cover art on the Nico album “Desert Shore.” I never thought this would surface anywhere; truly incredible.

  4. Nathan says:

    Thanks, as a Nico fan I’ve been wanting to see this for years.

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