Scorpio Nights (1985)


Directed by: Peque Gallaga

Stars: Daniel Fernando, Anna Marie Gutierrez, Orestes Ojeda

Language: Tagalog | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Philippines | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip

Description: A college student has an affair with a security guard’s passive wife. The husband finds out that his wife is cheating on him, when one day he walks in on them while they are having sex


688MB | 119:39mins | 464×352 | mkv



Scorpio Nights 2 (1999) Imdb

Starring: Albert Martinez, Joyce Jimenez, Daisy Reyes
Description: Andrew is meticulous almost to the point of obsession.



Webrip | 2.40GB | 96:12mins | 1920×1080 | mp4 | Tagalog | Sub: English





Scorpio Nights 3 (2022)  | imdb

Starring: Christine Bermas, Gold Azeron, Mark Anthony Fernandez
Description: A young couple’s sex acts are witnessed by a young man through a hole in the wall. When the wife seduces him, they engage in an illicit affair. Chaos ensues when the husband learns about them.



2GB | 112:28mins | 1920×1080 | mp4 | Tagalog | Sub: English

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8 Responses to Scorpio Nights (1985)

  1. Fanaa says:

    Thank You for posting this!

  2. Robbytag says:

    lovely addition to the series . thanks for sharing. One concept of peeping tom used beautifully in all 3 movies

  3. temnix says:

    I wonder if there is more in the first movie than social commentary and sex.

  4. groov says:

    I hope one day Scorpio Nights (1985) will be restored.

    • Ali says:

      Most likely we will never see a restoration of “Scorpio Nights;” The original film negative, along with countless films form the Philippines wasn’t stored properly, and all these movies fell to disrepair. For some reason they saw no value in these films beyond the theatrical showing and the VHS release. If only they could see the future, and how much money these original films are worth with this exploding Blu-Ray market and labels like Arrow and Vinegar Syndrome restoring everything they can get their hands on, for a new Generation of movie fans. and with the wall to sex and sleaze featured in “Scorpio Nights,” this one would have been a huge hit..Still I’m grateful for the surviving copy as “Scorpio Nights” is an erotic masterpiece…

  5. Ali says:

    “Scorpio Nights, ” legendary erotic film from Philippines, with it’s graphic depiction of mind numbing poverty and desperation, was considered a direct attack on dictators Ferdinand Marcos and wife Imelda Marcos, by using sex to lure audiences in to get a glimpse of how people were living during the 80’s..The grime, the trash littered, rat infested, rotting apartment buildings where neighbors could spy on each other through holes in their floors, walls and ceilings. They tried to ban the film, and today all known film reels of this movie have been destroyed…Take that into consideration when watching this rough copy, as this degraded VHS tape copy is the ONLY print that exists of this incredible erotic film….The “sequel” has nothing to do with the original, and is just a standard erotic movie….Thank you for sharing this rare title, as the bootleg dvd from Filipino label “Regal Gold” goes for over $100…(I was lucky to buy my copy for under 15 bucks years ago…) This is one title that will NEVER see a hi-def restoration…

    • Maestro says:

      There are versions of this movie on adult sites that show a bit more in some scenes. For example: the first time the boy has sex with the “sleeping wife” , for some reason the shot of him in the motion of laying between her legs is cut and goes right to him already on top of her. This full scene is in versions on adult sites. And a few other minor unnecessary cuts that last only a few seconds.

  6. Robbytag says:

    Lovely soft porn from Tagalog . Although seems dated as 20 -30 years old movies . Also could have done with more nudity

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