Mark of the Devil II (1973)

Directed by:  Adrian Hoven

Stars:  Erika Blanc, Anton Diffring and Percy Hoven

Language: English

Country: Germany  | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Vhsrip

Also known as:  Hexen geschändet und zu Tode gequält, La Torture, La marque du Diable II, Le streghe nere, Mavres magisses, Witches: Violated and Tortured to Death

Description:  A tribunal interrogates, tortures and murders “witches” and “heretics” during the Inquisition.


1.11GB | 86:01mins | 720×400 | avi

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2 Responses to Mark of the Devil II (1973)

  1. If this window does not change anything? hmmm Anyways better than nothing says:

    German text in the movie

    0:02:23 – 0:03:17 (12 Seconds for a word to scroll up the Screen)

    In der Zeit zwischen dem 14. und 18. Jahrhundert
    wurden schätzungsweise 8 Millionen Manner,
    Frauen und Kinder aus Irrglauben und
    Fanatismus dem Hexenwahn geopfert.

    Der Tod im Feuer der Scheiterhaufen
    oder auf dem Schafott war für die Menschen
    dieser Tage oft nur noch Erlösung nach den
    qualvollen oft jahrelang anhaltenden

    Dieser Film zeigt die aus Originalakten
    entnommene Geschichte der jungen Grafin
    von und zu Salmenau.

    Einer der Hexenjäger,
    im Volksmund Balzer Ross genannt,
    Zentgraf in einem deutschen Fürstentum,
    der innerhalb von drei Jahren nachweislich
    mehr als 250 Mädchen und Frauen
    verbrennen ließ, verfolgte die schone Gräfin
    nicht nur aus Habsucht, es waren auch starke
    sexuelle Hintergründe, die seine
    unmenschlichen Handlungen bestimmten.

    Seine Grausamkeit und seine Brutalität
    sind einmalig in der Menschheitsgeschichte.

  2. If this window does not change anything? hmmm Anyways better than nothing says:

    00:02:23,000 –> 00:02:33,000
    In the period between the 14th and 18th centuries
    were an estimated 8 million men,
    Women and children from delusions and
    Fanaticism the Hexenwahn sacrificed.

    00:02:33,020 –> 00:02:43,020
    The death in the fire of the stake
    or on the scaffold was for the people
    these days often only salvation to the
    often agonizing years lasting

    00:02:43,040 –> 00:02:52,040
    This film shows the original files from
    withdrawn story of the young Countess
    and from Salmenau.

    00:02:53,000 –> 00:03:12,050
    One of the witch hunters,
    popularly called Balzer Ross,
    Zentgraf in a German principality,
    the proven within three years
    more than 250 girls and women
    let burn, watched the beautiful Countess
    not only from greed, there were also strong
    sexual backgrounds that his
    inhumane acts given.

    00:03:13,000 –> 00:03:17,000
    His cruelty and his brutality
    are unique in human history.

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