Years ago I remember RL breaking the 5,000 movies mark seemed huge to me, now with a week or so remaining we’ll be entering 2025 passed the 21,800 mark, what a fantastic trip it’s been! All the best and way to go!!
I’m trying to find a movie – i rented it from Blockbuster in 1997. Can’t remember the name, but it took place on a tropical island, involved some kind of evil idol and had lots of hot women in very little clothing. The lead was an insanely hot Indian looking woman.
Does anyone have a suggestion for what it could be?
iam only 1 doing everything thats why unable to check all mails
around 6000+ unread mails at moment ..i open few mails to get my to do list every week .
So, do you prefer requests to come through this comment from or do you still like email?
(I assume either way, chances are what they are since there’s thousands of requests and not every film is readily findable, plus you still want to post unique stuff / unrequested but good stuff / stuff you like, keeping it all fresh and interesting .)
Was wondering how you like to talk with people about the site.
Is there any way to search within the different directories (foreign films, movie sets etc). If it’s not too much trouble, those folders are so giant now it’d be cool to find something without scrolling through 100s of movies.
hi, in ‘Movies Set 1 Eng’ the file you have listed as ‘Ninja Force of Assassins (1988)’ is actually ‘Fatal Command (1986)’
both of those movies had the alternate title ‘Vietnam Warrior’ (the title that appears in the copy you have), both were made by Godfrey Ho, and had they many of the same cast members.
thanks for ‘Fatal Command’, that’s one i’d never seen. there are so many alternate titles and cuts of Godfrey Ho movies it’s impossible to figure them out sometimes. i have well over 100 and i keep finding new ones.
RS, love everything you do! Just please finish the Mexican Spitfire series :) We only need the last movie, plus the short film if you can find it! Thank you so much for everything!
please can you add LAID TO REST 2009 unrated directors cut dvd from anchor bay? , I have the blue ray but its not complete uncut, anchor bay dvd have the original directors cut with the all the gore cut from all the others versions, a horror beauty splatter not to be missed from horror fans
I was going a bit mad wondering where I got the SD version of VDT1, but now I realise you took it down for the upgrade – looking forward to the HD version!
please can you uphold laid to rest 2009 unrated director cut’?? I search everywhere and only available in a very bad cut version on a blue ray format, only the dvd was the original unrated director cut with all the gore and violence intact, a perfect horror slasher not to be missed
would it be possible to upload “Witness in the City” (Édouard Molinaro, 1959) a.k.a. “Un témoin dans la ville” with english subs? Also “Speaking of Murder” (Gilles Grangier, 1957) a.k.a. “Le rouge est mis” would be great. Both were released in a “French Noir Set” on Blu-Ray last year (alongside with “Back to the Wall” (Édouard Molinaro, 1958) a.k.a. “Le dos au mur”, which I also would love to see) in the USA, but sadly only Region A, so I cannot watch it on my player…
I love your site and I’ve been using it for years now.
Thank you so much for all your great work, you are making a lot of people happy every week.
All the best
Hey rarelust. Can you find Queen of Hearts from 1989. The only copy that seems to be available has a Russian dub slapped on it. Thank you. Your site is the greatest.
Hello RL,
Thank you for the great work and making !
I saw a movie here before but can’t recall its name its about a man who took his wife out of the grave after she died.. please can you give me the name of that movie
Best regards,
Thanks for the replay really appreciate it man..
Thats a good movie thank you for the recommendation but there is another one its about a man and his wife
Thank you for some amazing viewing in 2022 – your site is an absolute goldmine!
(My favourite discoveries? ‘Unholy Ground’ which is just hilariously terrible on so many levels yet still compulsive viewing, and ‘Gummo’ which is perhaps the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen and haunts me to this day….)
For 2023 can I set you a challenge to unearth a couple of shorts in the folk horror genre that don’t seem to be in circulation?
– ‘The Man From Nowhere’ – from the UK Children’s Film Foundation in 1975, and we all know how great UK children’s folk horror output was during that decade ( and
– ‘Solitudo’ – Alice Lowe’s debut, which from what I’ve read sounds like a good companion piece to the recently posted, and really excellent, Anchoress (
I hope you can help with these!
Happy New Year!!
Any chance of uploading Red Spell Spells Red? Would really love to get ahold of the new transfer, especially the animal cruelty free version since that cut doesn’t exist in any other format.
Hi! I think I saw at some point a movie here which had a cover parodying the famous painting Le dejeuner sur l’erbe where a naked woman is sitting at a picnic in the park with some men in suits. Do you know the movie? This is the painting
Primal Fear coming soon?
added on January 20, 2025
please can you do seven days to die it stars sean pertwee please and thankyou
seven days to die or Seven Days to Live ?
Can you find the documentary Titanica narrated by Leonard Nemoy. Thanks.
Can you find prey for rock and roll with Gina Gershon thank you very much
Years ago I remember RL breaking the 5,000 movies mark seemed huge to me, now with a week or so remaining we’ll be entering 2025 passed the 21,800 mark, what a fantastic trip it’s been! All the best and way to go!!
Can you please try and get “Splendor” with Kathleen Robertson made in 1999. Thanks
Can you please try and get Scandalous Gilda
I’m trying to find a movie – i rented it from Blockbuster in 1997. Can’t remember the name, but it took place on a tropical island, involved some kind of evil idol and had lots of hot women in very little clothing. The lead was an insanely hot Indian looking woman.
Does anyone have a suggestion for what it could be?
Rarelist can you help me finding the movie giving you the the Facebook link
Crypt of Dark Secrets (1976)
I’m curious how many movie requests you get per week.
iam only 1 doing everything thats why unable to check all mails
around 6000+ unread mails at moment ..i open few mails to get my to do list every week .
6000+ mails?? Wow. Are they really legit mails or is it mostly spams?
all legit..spammed by advertisers only who want me to add pop ups and fake installers
which i always will stay ad free always
you are so based my friend
Ive been looking for (Fire) 1977 Starring Ernest Borgnine not having much success
Hi there im after Miracle on the Mountain The Kincaid Family Story it seems difficult to find
If I search for Joseph Cotton I do not get movies. If I search for Cary Grant, I get movies.
I don’t think many Joseph Cotton starrers are on Rarelust (Third Man, Kane Ambersons, Duel in the Sun, Niagara, etc.)
However, Shadow of a Doubt is on here, and Cotton did topline that, so something is up with the tag. But otherwise, maybe there’s not more to find?
So, do you prefer requests to come through this comment from or do you still like email?
(I assume either way, chances are what they are since there’s thousands of requests and not every film is readily findable, plus you still want to post unique stuff / unrequested but good stuff / stuff you like, keeping it all fresh and interesting .)
Was wondering how you like to talk with people about the site.
you won’t have any Cotton movies because the name is Cotten.
Ha, you’re right. If you spell his name correctly, you get dozens of movies to check out on RareLust.
Do you meant Joseph COTTEN (with an e)?
I goofed Red Silk is directed by Jesu?s Franco
Please share the movie Tintorera Killer Shark 1977.
I am told it is a very good movie
Can you post the movie High School Ghosthustler:
Was this the one you couldn’t find?
Hi RL, hoping you have or might get a copy of Sankofa (1993), it’s streaming on Netflix but would be great to have a local copy, thanks!
Thank you for this brilliant site! Have a great Christmas & New Year!
I just want to say: Thank you so much, Rarelust.
You are simply the best.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Is there any way to search within the different directories (foreign films, movie sets etc). If it’s not too much trouble, those folders are so giant now it’d be cool to find something without scrolling through 100s of movies.
Thanks for all you do
not possible – just search with imdb if result is in some set
just search movie title within page..
i will try keep set size under 100 movies..
Any chance you could upload the Death Scort series
Awesome, thanks!
Can you do the The Great Silence? 1968
Can you upload Home Sick (2007) by Adam Wingard? I remember downloading it here but I can’t find it anymore. please, thanks man!!
Girls of the Big House
Please, could you get Lure Of The Swamp (1957)?
Hi! Searching for “The Pool” (2001 horror)
you are the best btw
imdb id
imdb search on rl
search word The Pool within page
anyway copy pasting links below
Dvdrip | 1.90GB | 91:39mins | 720×576 | mkv | English
hi, in ‘Movies Set 1 Eng’ the file you have listed as ‘Ninja Force of Assassins (1988)’ is actually ‘Fatal Command (1986)’
both of those movies had the alternate title ‘Vietnam Warrior’ (the title that appears in the copy you have), both were made by Godfrey Ho, and had they many of the same cast members.
thanks for ‘Fatal Command’, that’s one i’d never seen. there are so many alternate titles and cuts of Godfrey Ho movies it’s impossible to figure them out sometimes. i have well over 100 and i keep finding new ones.
Love Me Deadly (1973). Can you post this? There is a copy on youtube, but I can’t download it. Thank you.
imdb search on rl
i heard there was a BD-R of Sex of Angels released but i cant find ANYTHING- have u had any luck with this?
Can you please get
True Story of a Woman in Jail: Hell of Love aka Shin jitsuroku onna kanbetsusho: Rengoku
Thanks much appreciate it.
imdb search
Can you please upload Extreme Justice 1993 please, thanks again man!!
imdb id
imdb search on rl
search word Extreme Justice within page
anyway copy pasting links below
Dvdrip | 1.63GB | 95:50mins | 706×480 | mkv | English
RS, love everything you do! Just please finish the Mexican Spitfire series :) We only need the last movie, plus the short film if you can find it! Thank you so much for everything!
ok was looking for specific print thats why not posted till now
will do nxt update
There are different versions? Didn’t know.
no different versions just a proper dvd mkv print
Hi, what program do you use to create the preview picture?
thumbnail me
Hi there, please do ‘Coffy (1973)’
have you ever heard of City in Panic (1986)?
a canadian slasher/giallo
i cant find it anywhere
imdb search
search word ( City in Panic ) within page
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Your website is the greatest!
Thank you for all that you do.
please don’t touch is gone
yeah i found audio/video sync issue in print
thats why removed will post again after fix
Hi Rarelust. Any chance you have a comedy horror called “Midnight Movie Massacre (1988)”?
Thank you for your continued efforts.
its here
search word (Midnight Movie Massacre) within page to get it
anyway giving preview + download link below
Dvdrip | 1.86GB | 85:26mins | 716×480 | mkv | English
Can you get Black Out Tokyo Elevator Panic
Excellent update this week. Site is a real treasure trove.
Hello there! I would like to request BloodSisters (1996)
My guess is that they’re after this excellent doc:
Please do ‘China Girl (1974)’ and ‘Double Agent 73 (1974)’, thank you!!!
please can you add LAID TO REST 2009 unrated directors cut dvd from anchor bay? , I have the blue ray but its not complete uncut, anchor bay dvd have the original directors cut with the all the gore cut from all the others versions, a horror beauty splatter not to be missed from horror fans
i can do Unrated Extreme Edition Germany bluray as per dvdcompare it is No Cuts – Unrated Director’s Cut (86:17 PAL)
I believe the dvd its more complete because runs 90 minutes
89:55 because NTSC
Unrated Director’s Cut is 86:17 because Pal Speedup
search (Pal Speedup) in google to get more info
ok, no problem thank you for the information
Please do ‘Hot Legs (1979)’
Hi, do you mind doing ‘Nude on the Moon (1961)’ thanks!!!
search with imdb
Maybe one underground flick from Someting weird or Vinegar syndrome, we haven’t had one for some time………. thanks
Could you add “STONER”, also known as “The Shrine of Ultimate Bliss” (1974)?
imdb search
search (The Shrine of Ultimate Bliss) within page to get download link
Can you get Black Serenade (2001)
The Night the Lights went out in Georgia ?
Vacaciones de terror2
I want to see this movie. thank you
Vacaciones de terro 1 and 2 brrip with extras coming this weekend
I was going a bit mad wondering where I got the SD version of VDT1, but now I realise you took it down for the upgrade – looking forward to the HD version!
please can you uphold laid to rest 2009 unrated director cut’?? I search everywhere and only available in a very bad cut version on a blue ray format, only the dvd was the original unrated director cut with all the gore and violence intact, a perfect horror slasher not to be missed
i can do Unrated Extreme Edition Germany bluray as per dvdcompare it is No Cuts – Unrated Director’s Cut (86:17 PAL)
Hello. I would like to subscribe. Do I do that here, or on the Tezfiles site? How do the two connect? Thank you.
just click any tez link on site and buy premium
example this link
u get both tezfile premium + rare lust movies subscription
written well here
Please do ‘College Girls (1968)’
Could you please do ‘Milk the Maid (2013)’?
search imdb u will get
Hi rarelust can you get “The Awakening of Emily” or “Emily”
search imdb
u get this
search word [ Emily (1976) ] within page
Brilliant. Thank you
link not working
You can maybe find “Survive Style 5+” in Hi Res
Hey my luv, can you please do ‘Lemon Popsicle (1978)’?
search imdb u will get it
would it be possible to upload “Witness in the City” (Édouard Molinaro, 1959) a.k.a. “Un témoin dans la ville” with english subs? Also “Speaking of Murder” (Gilles Grangier, 1957) a.k.a. “Le rouge est mis” would be great. Both were released in a “French Noir Set” on Blu-Ray last year (alongside with “Back to the Wall” (Édouard Molinaro, 1958) a.k.a. “Le dos au mur”, which I also would love to see) in the USA, but sadly only Region A, so I cannot watch it on my player…
I love your site and I’ve been using it for years now.
Thank you so much for all your great work, you are making a lot of people happy every week.
All the best
Le dos au mur.
Le rouge est mis.
Can you try and find “I Was a Teenage Strangler”?
Hey rarelust. Can you find Queen of Hearts from 1989. The only copy that seems to be available has a Russian dub slapped on it. Thank you. Your site is the greatest.
Can you please add Supercop 2 from 1993?
Hi, are you able to fin The Deer / Gavaznha (1974) from Masud Kimiai?
Thanks again for your work!
Looking for the documentary ‘Talk Talk: In A Silent Way’.
Awesome Movies – Many Thanks
Pse download Ursus in the Valley of Lions – English Dubbed
thank you
Thank you, Sir. Wonderful proposals!
May I humbly suggest:
Suru (The Herd) 1978
A Turkish masterpiece made by Guney while in prison!
Thanks, and have a good day!
search imdb
Hey are you able to find adult film soft place from 1978
Can u please do ‘Eyeball (1975)’ if u don’t that already?
search imdb
Would love to see the Vincent Price classic “Theatre of Blood” but with the commentary track included please.
search imdb
Could you maybe post 1993 Taxi Hunter by Herman Yau starring Anthony Wong? Would really appreciate.
imdb search
search word ( taxi ) within page
Hello RL,
Thank you for the great work and making !
I saw a movie here before but can’t recall its name its about a man who took his wife out of the grave after she died.. please can you give me the name of that movie
Best regards,
Beyond the darkness?
Thanks for the replay really appreciate it man..
Thats a good movie thank you for the recommendation but there is another one its about a man and his wife
Thank you for some amazing viewing in 2022 – your site is an absolute goldmine!
(My favourite discoveries? ‘Unholy Ground’ which is just hilariously terrible on so many levels yet still compulsive viewing, and ‘Gummo’ which is perhaps the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen and haunts me to this day….)
For 2023 can I set you a challenge to unearth a couple of shorts in the folk horror genre that don’t seem to be in circulation?
– ‘The Man From Nowhere’ – from the UK Children’s Film Foundation in 1975, and we all know how great UK children’s folk horror output was during that decade ( and
– ‘Solitudo’ – Alice Lowe’s debut, which from what I’ve read sounds like a good companion piece to the recently posted, and really excellent, Anchoress (
I hope you can help with these!
Happy New Year!!
Hi, do you have Deep Throat (1972) on ur site? If not, then I’ll like for you to add on there, thanks
search imdb
Why ask for something instead of just doing a search???
Any chance of uploading Red Spell Spells Red? Would really love to get ahold of the new transfer, especially the animal cruelty free version since that cut doesn’t exist in any other format.
wait will do with all extras
you rule!! thank you for all you do
Merry Christmas Rarelust.
Could you please do ‘Ky?shi mejika’ aka. ‘Teacher Deer(1978)’? please?
Also please do ‘Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge(2008)’ because I think this should be the best newage porn + action film for you to add here.
Also I forgot to add that you should do ‘Pirates(2005)’ as well.
Also for the 1st one it’s ‘Kyoshi deer’ since I done a spelling error
Hi Rarelust
I would like to request Classic Sci-Fi Attack of the Mushroom People (1963) English version if any.
Thank you!
Dear Rarelust have been looking for a decent copy of (American Hot Wax 1978) can’t find one anywhere maybe you’ll have more luck than me.
best available version
can I use PayPal for Rarelust ?
you can try paypal on payment page but charges extra fees
for lowest rate visa is best option
Hey, please do ‘Hot Connections (1972)’, ty!
bless you and your family
– just one of the girls (1993) –
Once again so sorry about the email
best wishes
imdb search
search word ( Just One ) within page u will get movie
Cathy’s Curse (1977)
I want to see this movie. thank you
Hi! I think I saw at some point a movie here which had a cover parodying the famous painting Le dejeuner sur l’erbe where a naked woman is sitting at a picnic in the park with some men in suits. Do you know the movie? This is the painting
Found it, never mind
Great, thank you!
Thanks Bro but I didn’t mean the 1979 movie, I meant the 2016 movie with Christia Visser, thanks anyway.
oh ok 2016 just released as theatrical
not found
Please “Tess 2016” with Christia Visser.
Please find a giallo from Roger Vadim – “La jeune fille assassinée” (1974)
imdb search
search word
Sirpa Lane actress name or (jeune) movie name word within page u will get movie