Anti-Clock (1979)


Directed by: Jane Arden, Jack Bond

Stars: Sebastian Saville, Suzan Cameron, Liz Saville

Language: English | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Uk | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Brrip

Description: The Anti-Clock project takes Joseph Sapha though the shadows of his past to confront that mirror image of the self that condemns us all – a blind automaton whose words are simply the rationale of the defense attack system caught in the horrors of the past and the anxieties of the future. Does our hero have a chance of alienating the circuit which will suppress his longing for a higher synthesis?


3.20GB | 95:51mins | 1440×1080 | mkv | English | Sub: English


====bluray extra====

Vibration 1975 short film | Imdb

Starring: Jane Arden, Jack Bond, Cherif Abderahman Jah
Description: Uses two young western people as the mediators between the new gestalt initiated by Jung, Reich and Frederick Perles, and the magnetic chain of a Sufic master, finding that the East and the West, the scientific and the mystical, begin to hold together in a truly organic way.


512MB | 36:29mins | 958×720 | mkv | English | Sub: English

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3 Responses to Anti-Clock (1979)

  1. Legion says:

    A real gem.

  2. 6102grover says:

    Thanks for sharing.

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