Directed by: Petter Baiestorf
Stars: Airton Bratz, Elio Copini, Gisele Ferran
Language: Portuguese | Subtitles: English, Spanish (embed)
Country: Brazil | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Dvdrip
Description: Zombies, beautiful dead girls, newly-dead and a wide variety of colorful and slimy undead invade the West of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Guts roll while “yerba mate” Cronenberg is consumed by the farmers. But the zombies aren’t the biggest problem when all the humans are sadistic and selfish.
1.01GB | 83:10mins | 720×368 | mkv
Found Zombio 1 on the internet archive
Making up bullshit
Anyone know where I can find more Gisele Ferran?
hell yes!
more Baiestorf please
great! Baiestorf’s stuff is hard as hell to get a hold of