Reptilicus (1961)


Directed by: Poul Bang, Sidney W. Pink

Stars: Bent Mejding, Asbjørn Andersen, Povl Wøldike

Language: English | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Denmark | Imdb Info | Ar: 5:3 | Brrip

Description: After copper miners discover a piece of the frozen tail of a giant prehistoric reptile in Lapland, scientists inadvertently bring it back to life.


6.71GB | 81:36mins | 1788×1080 | mkv

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5 Responses to Reptilicus (1961)

  1. Halifaxxx says:

    Thanks for your good work.

    Could you please upload the DANISH cut of this film? I think it was available in home video some time ago.

    Also, why are you upgrading 40s-70s stuff into such HUMONGOUS files? I don’t think REPTILICUS warrants taking up almost 7GB in my HD! I’d appreciate if you could offer alternative smaller files, as you did with HORROR OF DRACULA.

  2. Mr Arkadin says:

    “A portion of the tail of a giant prehistoric reptile is discovered in Denmark. It regenerates into the entire reptile” Presumably through some use of Lego. Thanks RL – just my kinda stuff – will file under Kaiju rather than Adventure. You are a marvel finding these lost treasures.

  3. dmiller says:

    Thank you, my copy is barely watchable. Now I have a great copy with commentary to boot. Love commentary!

  4. Ripley says:

    Weirdest Godzilla ripoff ever? Supposedly, a novelization released in Denmark around the same time as the movie features near-pornographic sex – forget it Jake, it’s Scandinavia. Thanks for the nice print!

  5. Mr.G. says:

    Are you saying Reptilicus attacked the Dali in Baltimore? Poster so implies.

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