rarelust is my personal project started in 2012 to keep rare flick rips alive freely and stop sellers who sell these movies at insane prices. ofcourse its impossible for me to rip so many movies myself only thats why i search and grab rips from various sources on web too.
I acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and time put into creating rips by the dedicated fandubbers and fansubbers that did create and provide the source for all great flicks and gems would like to thank all rippers for help and keeping spirit of free sharing alive.
Hello! I assume this is a known thing that the site has been dealing with, but all of the dpic.me posters and screenshots are failing to load. Did the service just bail or is this a temporary problem? Good luck…
its country and isp specific issue ..
hotlinks works for all thats why i hotlink all images
and loads fine as thumb for all
in random old post checking i see posters loading fine
Try removing the “e” from the URL in your address bar (“depic” to “dpic”).
For whatever reason, this has seemed to work for me for the past couple of years.
Do I have to pay a premium membership to Rarelust, of I want to download a movie via tezfiles? I do have a Premium membership for tezfiles, but I cannot download any film. I am not a new user of Rarelust, but I had never had this issue that I realized recently.
A plain tezfile premium account will not give you access to the movies.
use this link to subscribe
more info here
Can’t since yesterday reach rarelust.com using older Win environment (WinXP+Opera). Have you made any changes to site security or anything else and if so can you still maintain access to those older systems?
nothing done from my side..
cloudflare may have increased some Security
Thank you for posting Nightmare (1981) and sharing the extras RL are these from the Severin 2023 release? If so could I please request if possible the special feature “Damaged: The Very British Obscenity of David Hamilton-Grant”?
its in Disc three Severin (Blu-ray) not available
i posted Disc Two (Blu-ray) movie and extras
Thanks for the information, I will look into purchasing the Severin 4k 3 disk edition at some point in the future. :)
Looking for the recently released in October – Short Sharp Shocks Vol. 3. Would make my christmas if this was added at some point :)
Thanks a billion rarelust.
I’m looking for an early Wings Hauser tv movie called Dark Horse alternatively titled Headline from 1985. Can’t find it anywhere!
german vhs only no subs
Has Tez changed their system for payment? I’ve had an account for around a year and I don’t recall having to buy a code, (which has not yet appeared), and from what I recall, (maybe mistaken), the deal was pay and immediately get access returned?
you can buy instant access using visa/mc or crypto
in case cards not working for u then try resellers
who give code after making payment
and code entered here for upgrade
Hi; I have been trying for several hours to sign up for a Premium account with Tez Files, with no luck. Is there any way I can buy instant access directly with a credit card? All I’m seeing are “Resellers,” who are charging extortionate fees to make the transaction..It says on page 1 “no hidden fees,” but on the very next page, the price almost doubles because of hidden reseller fees..Any link or infor to pay direct would be greatly appreciated…thank you!
visa/mc card seems working alright
only few countries face issue seems ur 1 of them
i suggest use crypto payment options on tez payment page to avoid extraa fees otherwise resellers is last option
I’ve been a Premium member for over a year and Rarelust never lets me down. As someone who uses plenty of torrent sites and other means of preservation, this is worth every penny. The eclectic mix and extras are well considered.
Thank you!
I just discovered this site via finding Visconti’s Sandra on Youtube. I appreciate the service you provide! Thank you very much.
Awesime site, love it! Just one request – also in light of Raquel Welch passing away – for ‘A House is not a Home’ (1964).
best print
Just another appreciative face in the crowd for this awesome treasure trove of art on parade you have assembled! It’s got to be tremendously hard work, so I’ve subscribed just to not be a complete and total mooch. Thank you again.
thank you
Is tezfiles the only way to support you? You’ve been a lifesaver for many of my lost 80’s favorites!
yes tezfiles ..ty
for users want to do extra i have
Do you have a csv or list of hashes for unarchived files for checking integrity?
Do you have archive of all covers and thumbs?
Thanks for this site.
no and no
Thanks for the amazing work! I have downloaded many great movies here!
You are doing amazing work! Literally binging movies from your site this weekend. Also as a token of appreciation, I bought a membership for Rarelust Tezfile Premium. I wanted to reach out to see if you can send the link that had all the rape/forced movie scenes compilation. I am unable to find it.
You are awesome thank you!
Will be doing yet another re-up on the Tezfiles Premium for RL, as I think it is most definitely worth it. The great work that you do has become indispensable for film buffs in search of the really hard to find titles. I don’t get what a couple people seem to be complaining about regarding download speeds with Tez: in my experience, it is quite fast, second only to RG — and not by much.
I subscribed to a 3 month Tez files premium. I downloaded for a few days and suddenly my downloads are throttled to a few kb/s (like 50 to 60 kb/s ….. How long does this last? I cannot download anything at that speed. ???
check here if all fine
also there is 50GB daily per day download limit
Finding this website has been a life saver for me. I looked at other sites before but was always drawn back to this one. RL is a rare breed, a very kind and caring person. All the work that has gone into this site is appreciated so much by me and countless others. I sincerely can’t thank you enough! You go above and beyond!
Hello rarelust, I sincerely appreciate everything you do to keep so many rare movies online for free. I have a selfish request, can you upload a movie called La più bella del reame (1989). Carol Alt starred in it, it’s a great Italian erotica. I watched it a few years back on some streaming site, but unfortunately can’t find it online anymore. Thanks again!
Hello rarelust,
Thank you so much for what you do. You have provided so much entertainment and deserve a lot of appreciation. Can you please upload the complete dvd(like the 4gb versions you do for a few movies) of carnal sins 2001?
Thats a selfish request. thanks for everything again.
if you have time please could you locate a rip of the Robocop Criterion dvd, that is now oop please? It is the fullest version available.
Arrow Films bluray – No cuts -Unrated Director’s Cut (103:14)
is better than Criterion dvd,?
I subscribed to Tez files premium, is there a daily download limit, how can i increase the download limit
track here
you can download 50GB per day
resets daily at midnight
Thanks for the site. Schlock heaven.
Just found your site. Wanted to say thank you for all the effort you put into keeping this alive. Some of these films are damn near impossible to find online. Keep up the good work.
Man, you deserve a medal. Such a treasure trove of trash! Just found McGill’s Wicked World here and I feel I will find quite a few others on my wantlist. Great work, keep it up, and have a lovely 2022 :)
Thank you very much for your great work. So rare films that I have never seen. Good work man !!! Greetings from Germany
Wow, this is absolutely amazing. I have been on the net for 30 years and have a pretty big collection but you have literally EVERY movie I have looked for that is impossible to find, it is amazing. Thank you very much!
Hey RL, consider becoming a Brave creator so that users visiting your website from Brave browser can tip you with BAT.
i will check..ty
It’s super easy and free to add your site. Just visit: https://publishers.basicattentiontoken.org/
It has been a pleasant surprise to find this website, where you can find movies that you have seen previously and that you have not been able to find on other websites.
I appreciate these contributions that in a way bring back pleasant memories.
Thank you for your work, it is really amazing!!! I also want to thank you for getting me into the world of crypto with freebitcoin, I still roll everyday with your referral code, I am 8367168 in freebitcoin. So, thank you again!!!
welcome .. ty
Amazing RareLust! Thank you for providing us so many interesting movies. In Brazil, somebody is selling Frank Capra’s Lost Horizon original DVD for US$ 74,00 approx.
tankyou very very much
It is with great pleasure that I found this web site! The best part is to know that there are others around the world who share the same interests and who also find that the internet is becoming ever more a place of profit and not of free sharing of knowledge and culture. My cumpliments for you!
So many rarities here, thanks for sharing man. This might be the best site to dl rare movies.
Thank you very much for all the amazing films you have shared. An incredible site.
I guess it’s not the first time you read this, but:
I really appreciate the hard work you’re doing here, specially the high quality of the files… apparently, since I can’t download the files. Fileboom makes it impossible for me to do so, and natural wisdom tells me I better not put my credit card number online to get a premium account.
If you ever change your mind and pick up a better server, which are many, I’ll be very grateful, and not only me, probably.
just mail me at – rarelustmovies@gmail.com
i will give safe and cheap option to buy premium
Wow, I cannot thank you enough for making this amazing collection available. I have spent many hours of covid enforced quarantaine happily watching obscure gems from this site.
Thank you for everything!
Thank you for this wonderful collection of rare movies!
Let me just say a personal Thank You to Rarelust. You are a diamond for the work you do here. Long live Rarelust!
I think I speak for more than myself when I say this site is awesome. I do wish you offered another free download site that is much faster than what free fboom allows.
i can add fast free host
but then i have pay server and hot linked image host costs from my pocket
Thank you so much! Movies I haven’t found elsewhere! Better prints of movies I already have! *Thanks*
Thank you for this. It’s the best of its kind, by far.
Bonjour de PARIS. Great site. Merci beaucoup.
Please my heartfelt thanks to the mountain of gratitude you’re getting for this site. Even if a user never downloads anything, the site is an awesome museum of movies that I can wander in for hours.
Lol I know exactly how you feel :)
I have found so many great old films here.
I really like Hammer films and others with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. Thank you for all your hard work rarelust!
are your files premium only now?
They are no longer free :(
all are free
were you see premium only ?
THE best film site online. Thanks a million for all your exceptional work in keeping these obscure gems available.
This site is amazing, thanks so much. You need to upload some Len Kabasinski movies too :-)
This is an amazing site and you are providing a wonderful service. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I stumbled upon your site a few months ago, it’s great!. Really appreciate your efforts and the spirit inspiring them. So many hard or impossible to find movies elsewhere.
Wish you all the very best and THANKS!
Gracias por compartir estas peliculas casi olvidades, gran trabajo
Love the site. Every time i read about a rare bizarre movie online, this site usually will have it. Awesome. Thanks a bunch.
Regards from India.
You are really deep digger. You have got collection of almost rare movies which I have seen in my school days. Now getting my memories refreshing again.
Your good part is that you are also replacing your old uploads with better quality and unrated also.
In Newage Erotica best movies were between 1998 to 2004 with good acting, story and beautiful girls. I am fan of Renee Rea, if you can find more movies of her in better quality.
I don’t usually go to links I see watermarked on movies I download but I just happened to check this one out and I’m glad that I did.
This site is amazing.
I’m a huge fan of 80’s and 90’s movies that show lots of nudity so I’m going crazy right now trying to figure out which movie to download from here first.
I’m like a kid in a candy store.
I used to jack off to all of these movies back when I was a teenager so I’m gonna relive some great memories when I’m stroking to them once again.
I’m happy I stumbled over RareLust. Wow, these titles are rare. Makes life worth living, that’s for sure.
Some of these are impossible to find elsewhere. Really appreciate being able to find rare and hard to find movies. Please more obscure B movies!!
a very nice site for movies of all gener..i appreciate the effort doneby making such web site.hope it will not vanish or off and wish u success in updating it…keep it up Good Work..
A very interesting site, many movies lovers (especially those enloved of oldies but goldies) have an unique opportunity to enjoy with a lot of good cinematographical productions. Congrats!
Thanks so much for this site! I’ve found a couple movies on here that I thought I would never see again.
Thank you for the great effort in putting this site up. I can not imagine how much time you have invested in doing so. I know that for now, you are no longer accepting requests but in case the time comes that you are open, I hope that you can include Ask Any Girl (Shirley Mclaine) movie in your list. I have wanted to see the film and has not been successful in getting a good site. Thank you again.
can do Ask Any Girl but its tvrip want?
also requests are open again via email thats why i post some wierd movies nowdays.
Thanks for sharing so many great films!
Mille, mille grazie!!!
I fell in love.. haha Really, great project! Thanks in advance ñ.ñ
What an amazing collection by an amazing person.
thanks a lot for every movies uploaded …it’s very good job
thank you for this wonderful site.
Thank you for all your work
You are wonderful! Millions of thanks!
I just want to say thank you so much for this site. I am a fan of 70’s and 80’s movies in particular, and with this site I can find movies I couldn’t find otherwise. So again thank you so much.
You’re offering a wonderful collection of movies. I’ve found some real gemms on the site. Thank you!
thank you!