The Wall (1982)


Directed by: Robert Markowitz

Stars: Tom Conti, Lisa Eichhorn, Gerald Hiken

Language: English

Country: Poland | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Webrip

Description: A dramatic re-enactment of the Warsaw Ghetto Jewish uprising in April 1943 were 650 armed members of the Jewish Fighting Organization of Poland held off a 3,000 strong Nazi force in which only a handful of Jews survived. Tom Conti plays Dolek Berson, a Jewish smuggler who joins the resistance movement and is aided on the Aryan side of the wall by a former teacher named Regina Kowalski played by Rachel Roberts in her final role.


2.03GB | 135:58mins | 1920×1080 | mp4

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4 Responses to The Wall (1982)

  1. Maurizio Tomassini says:

    thank you been after this for years

  2. Rao Menier says:

    Thank you so much for this, Rarelust. Doubt Larry’s really lucky (or Silverstein) but we are truly lucky to have this site!

  3. Lucky Larry Silverstein says:

    Does it have beheaded babies?

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