To Be Twenty (1978)



Directed by:  Fernando Di Leo

Stars: Gloria Guida, Lilli Carati and Ray Lovelock

Language:  English, Italian (2tracks) | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.897 | Brrip

Also known as:  Avere vent’anni

Description:  Lia and Tina are two beautiful girls who meet and realize that they have a lot in common. They are both young, beautiful and pissed off, so they decide to hitchhike their way to Rome to find Nazariota’s commune, a place to stay for free and have all the sex they want… or so they think. Things don’t go as they have planned though, and soon they become involved in prostitution, the police and an aggressive gang.

Preview Producer’s Cut brrip

5.83GB | 83:48mins | 1920×1012 | mkv | English, Italian (2tracks)| Subs: English

++  ++

Preview Director’s Cut dvdrip

1.03GB | 97:42mins | 714×388 | mkv | Italian | Subs: English


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16 Responses to To Be Twenty (1978)

  1. wonderingBlundering says:

    part 3

    the last part where they are stripped naked everyone thought they were about to be raped but actually they were going to kill them instead was the point here, the message is such women are not evenm worthy of rape and actually would have enjoyed it

    because they left and went into a dark forest after being ina lit room that was probably safer for them to stay

    ie they wanted to be raped but surprise surprise they were killed

    and the whole time those guys were asking that guy about them what to do that is what it was leading to even though we all thought they were about to be gang raped, meaning that even rapists are more sensible than insatiable whores and even rapists wouldnt touch them in this case the mafia clearly as they emobody the evil side of italy, here the point is that even criminal organizations dont want them thats how low they are and in fact they killed as if they were traitors or rats as mafia usually only kills those tyes of people

    such beautiful girls would be put to work instead they comment on how they are beautiful but that doesn’t phase the guy

    and at the beginning they were trying to put a price on them ie the 50,000 but realized that it was pointless since these girls would screw anyone anyway for free thats how low they thought of them

    they also show the girl giving 50,000 ie they dont respect money so hence they couldnt even technically be put to work all because theyre such insatiable whores

  2. wonderingBlundering says:

    notice also how the guy in their room that represents a buddha type character is talking about celibacy etc and how she is annoyed by him ie she is rejecting God shes so perverted that even God and truth she rejects whereas the blonde one is trying to understand it

    so theyre saying such women are worse than anything , they are blasphemous, they steal, they dont respect society knowledge(encyclopedia) the guy tries to discuss the whatever he is discussing and all she is trying to do is distract him

    so basically it shows them as horrible people with no respect for society, religion, god, or even self respect, laws, rules, all they want is men to have sex with and a place to sleep thats the point

    theyre unproductive and if u give them knowledge they will corrupt it ie the encyclopedia

    the director is not against sex persay because he shows the rich woman who read all the books as wanting to have sex but the blonde one refuses her

    meaning they refuse all good and seek all evil so theyre really trying to paint a picture of women who are insatiable and how useless they are to society even below prostitutes theyre not even worthy of rape just death that was the point

    shows them doing all the wrong thing , corrupting everything rejecting the budddhist character even kicking him out of the room so she can have sex ie she actually felt shame and thats what annoyed her about him

    so the whole thing was literally saying insatiable women break every law rule and religion and are only worthy of death not even rape and a horrible painful death

  3. wonderrer says:

    how do people not get the ending? its quiet simple and straightforward

    theyre saying these women are worse than prostitutes because theyre insatiable and the only way to actually satisfy them is to impale them with a big stick that was the point, its that old bible verse about the women who cant be satisfied even by Egyptians ie theyre so corrupted they should just be killed because there is no satisfying them

    whoever wrote this script was trying to emphasis that women pursuing sexual desires makes them unaware of danger and also takes them to dark valleys and make them insatiable , notice how they are doing so much vice? they steal at beginning ie they dont respect society and laws and hard working people and how they use sex to get what they want and people would rather give it fro free than touch them like the cigarette guy because they knew he would be shocked ie they are aware of how disgusting they appear to people ie theyre aware of their sins but dont actually care

    notice how they ask “are they whores” and they say no just some sluts

    meaning that even whores are more commendable they do that not because they’re insatiable whores but because to survive

    but these two nothing will satisfy them except death by impalement notice at beginning of movie the one that gets impaled is always looking for sex but something always goes wrong

    and eventually what a “whore” needs is death by impalement because they are a menace on society ie that such women are even worse than prostitutes who do it to survive and not some perverted insatiable pleasure

    notice how those men could have raped them but instead kill them , they were even considering human trafficking into prostitution but felt they are gone long past that point and are actually vile and that should be their end ie killed not even worth of rape

  4. Jab the G says:

    I stick with the producer’s cut. I wonder what the heck the director was thinking by treating them like that at the end.

  5. Olaf says:

    The comments remind me of the movie “Beyond the Valley of the Dolls”. It starts out as a sexy nudity laced soap opera, mod exploration, complete with groovy party scene and ends with a completely unexpected crazed slasher scene.

  6. Paul says:

    In the end I settled for the Producer’s cut.
    The Director’s Cut has a brutal ending, but it neither stuns nor saddens. Instead it feels like a director’s desperation to shock, but in the end nothing more than a self-indulgent attempt to be different.

    As a viewer the DC left me asking, “So what was the point in this?”

  7. chonos says:

    Someone should mention the “violent ending” is actually much worse than violent. It is downright criminal. The girls are hunted down in the woods and the brunette is impaled with a piece of wood. Yes. Whoever made this movie hates women more than when their pee pee gets caught in their zipper.

  8. Billy B says:

    Difference between the two cuts?

    Night and day!

    The producers cut is a softcore sex comedy
    The longer directors cut is a Last House on the Left level horror film.

    Among the many changes, the shorter version literally cuts off the last 10 to 15 minutes of the movie, changing the movie (remember the Last House on the Left reference)

    The only reason to watch the producer’s cut is to see just how desperate they were to make some sort of mainstream film out of a very dark original.

    If you ever saw Irreversible. Imagine the producer deciding to make the movie play out chronologically and then take out 20 minutes of material they thought was too violent. That’s how bad the producers version is.

  9. dheyliink says:

    is there a difference between both cuts? thanks for uploading!

    • Taraete says:

      Per imdb:
      “The movie was re-cut shortly after the Italian release. The 81-minute version omits the opening scene on the beach, the sequence featuring explicit lesbian sex between the two main characters, and the violent ending.”

    • Svën Weazel says:

      The original version runs 98 minutes, almost 90 of which are devoted to a typically sleazy, though eccentric and at times unconventional, piece of softcore about the misadventures of hot-to-trot freeloaders at a hippie commune in Rome. The last nine minutes, however, close with the most shocking sexual violence this side of Last House On The Left. The censored version, hastily prepared for Italian theaters after the original flopped, and later exported to the U.S., runs 85 minutes and lops off the ending entirely, among other changes.

      Alternate Versions: (taken from IMDB)
      The movie was re-cut shortly after the Italian release. The 81-minute version omits the opening scene on the beach, the sequence featuring explicit lesbian sex between the two main characters, and the violent ending.

    • Ginger says:

      i watched the directors cut, there’s a few extra lesbian scenes. But mainly the ending is very very different. It found it hard to watch and very out of tone of the rest of the movie.

    • Andreas says:

      Huge difference! The director’s cut *spoiler alert* has one of the most shocking endings in italian cinema of the 70’s. So in that sense, they are like different films. Hopefully that version surfaces in high definition too.

      I own the original soundtrack to this film, it is absolutely beautiful and it is Gloria Guida herself who sings in the main theme, and wow she can sing.

    • Steve says:

      The movie was re-cut shortly after the Italian release. The 81-minute version omits the opening scene on the beach, the sequence featuring explicit lesbian sex between the two main characters, and the violent ending. The 97-minute version has them in it.

      From IMDB.

    • Duke says:

      I think the producers ending has a happy ending and the directors cut has the unhappy ending. I read about this in a book and when it was released in theaters there were different prints with different versions of the film in circulation.

  10. rarelust says:


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