Slaughter in San Francisco (1974)

Directed by: Wei Lo

Stars: Chuck Norris, Don Wong, Chuck Boyd

Country: Hong Kong | Imdb Info | Ar: 2.40:1 | Brrip

Also known as: Huang mian lao hu, Karate Cop, Yellow Faced Tiger

DescriptionA Chinese-American cop, skilled in martial arts, battles the most powerful criminal gang in San Francisco that is responsible for the death of his partner.

Hong Kong version Mandarin Audio
+ commentary by Asian film expert Frank Djeng & Michael Worth (2023)

2.45GB | 106:03mins | 1920×804 | mkv | Mandarin | Sub: English


Export version English Audio
+ commentary by Mike Leeder & Arne Venema (2023) (export version)

2.21GB | 88:03mins | 1920×804 | mkv | English | Sub: English



====bluray extra====

Return to Slaughter” 2023 featurette

81MB | 15:10mins | 854×480 | mkv | English


Karate Country Talking Chuck” 2023 documentary

263MB | 40:48mins | 854×480 | mkv | English

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5 Responses to Slaughter in San Francisco (1974)

  1. Cam says:

    Whoa, Chuck Norris plays the BAD guy in this?

    Crazy, this is from back in his early days, before he was a star and played heroes, so you get to see him as the evil mobster boss. That’s a rarity inside a Rarelust rarity.

    Also, this is the 106min “uncut” original version. The film was modified, as Chuck blew up in other movies, to feature him more prominently. They just cut out plot stuff that got in the way of him showing up earlier and made viewers ask, “Hey, isn’t this supposed to be a Chuck Norris movie?” (Also, posters under the Chinese title “Yellow Faced Tiger” featured the real star Don Wong more… or at all.)

  2. Tony says:

    Thanks for the upgrade!

  3. rarelust says:


    • Alexcollector00 says:

      Thanks you so much for this. Please can do you upload brainscan 1994 horror film brrip sf have audio commentary with Audio Commentary with Assistant to the Director Tara Georges Flynn and have special features with A Virtual Debut An Interview with Screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker and Talking with Trickster and Merging Realities Featuring Interviews with Special Make-up Effects Supervisor Steve Johnson and Special Make-up Effects Artists Andy Schoneberg and Mike Smithson and Musical Virtuosity and Trickin’ with Trickster: Vintage Behind-the-Scenes Fun on brainscan and Deleted scene and behind the scene footage?

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