Chaku Master (1974)


Directed by: Luis San Juan

Stars: Rey Malonzo, Connie Angeles, Tony Bernal

Language: English

Country: Philippines | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.393 | Dvdrip

Description: Bruce a martial arts expert is hired by his friend, on behalf of the village to fight off Lui and Fedal, who with their highly trained army of martial arts experts are terrorizing the villagers and taking over their land, crops and raping their women. Lui and Fedal send several of their elite soldiers to eliminate Bruce, but Bruce’s immense fighting skills prove to be too powerful for their evil forces.


743MB | 88:09mins | 624×448 | mkv

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8 Responses to Chaku Master (1974)

  1. Robbytag says:

    a cheap copy of Bruce Lee movies . But enjoyable movie

  2. Frances Smith says:

    Wow, this movie sounds intense and action-packed. It’s unfortunate that the villagers have to suffer under the terror of Lui and Fedal and their army of martial arts experts. It’s great to see that Bruce is willing to fight for justice and protect the villagers. However, it’s concerning that the movie includes scenes of rape. It’s important for filmmakers to consider the impact of such scenes and whether they are necessary for the story. I wonder if the movie addresses the issue of rape and how it affects the victims and the community. Overall, it seems like a movie worth watching for its thrilling fight scenes and themes of justice and courage. Have you seen this movie? What are your thoughts on how it handles the issue of rape?

  3. itosaio says:

    Thank you

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