Directed by: Hugo Santiago
Stars: Olga Zubarry, Lautaro Murúa, Juan Carlos Paz
Language: Spanish | Subtitles: English, Spanish, French (embed)
Country: Argentina | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:10 | Dvdrip
Description: A group of men led by an old man trying to stop an invasion of the city of Aquileia. The invaders are introducing a machinery for a mass invasion, but the invasion is absolute and impossible to define.
2.26GB | 121:31mins | 658×480 | mkv
Looks like it was strongly influenced by Oesterheld’s El Eternauta sci-fi strip series
4 argentinian movies in one day, great! (and this one is amazing!)
They first invaded Aquieia then the world.
The cinematic contribution by the master JL Borges and A.B. Casares!, thank you!!