The Sisterhood (1988)

Directed by: Cirio H. Santiago

Stars: Rebecca Holden, Chuck Wagner, Lynn-Holly Johnson

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Brrip

DescriptionThe year is 2021 AD. Women have been enslaved by a brutal army of men who survived the nuclear holocaust. Their only hope for freedom is in the hands of a nomadic band of fierce she-warriors: The Sisterhood.


1.78GB | 92:22mins | 1280×720 | mkv

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6 Responses to The Sisterhood (1988)

  1. Jim says:

    Ahhh, the good kind of bad movie.

  2. From Chicago says:

    Thank you for the HD upgrade.

  3. tak says:

    Sweet! This looks good… I mean bad.., well, you know what I mean.

  4. XX says:

    YAY! You found the Blu Ray, I remember making a comment on the VHS rip that there was one; good to see it here! Thank you.

  5. OSMOSIS says:

    The unofficial “sequel” to that Wing-Wang Nuts “AMERICA 3000”–and kind of a fun ride in and of itself, too. ANOTHER ONE that “hard to keep on Video Store Shelves” back in the day.

  6. rarelust says:

    upgraded to brrip

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