Cries of Ecstasy Blows of Death (1973)


Directed by: Antony Weber

Stars: Sandy Carey, Michael Abbott, John Martin

Language: Italian | Subtitles: English (hard)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.376 | Dvdrip

Also known as: Sesso Delirio

Description:  Year 2062, the land is barren, post-apocalyptic vision of hell on earth. Environmental pollution, human callousness and evil. Marauding gangs of motorcyclists, violence and rape.


1.34GB | 75:11mins | 712×460 | mp4


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3 Responses to Cries of Ecstasy Blows of Death (1973)

  1. Ballzack says:

    This is a bootleg copy. The first 17 minutes are from other movies. Someone edited in two other movies and even re-did the opening credits, misspelling the director’s name as Webber instead of Weber. The actual movie starts at the 17m mark but comes up short because it should be 71 mins, not 75-17=57min. the original is also in English. The original credits in a futuristic font are missing from this version, of course they would not show up until almost 1/3 of the way into the movie if they were not removed. An interesting find. I like to find the bootlegs and alternates to go with the originals.

  2. 6102grover says:

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Robbytag says:

    Good nudity and sexploitation of 70’s . Do watch

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