Christiane F (1981)


Directed by: Uli Edel

Stars: Natja Brunckhorst, Eberhard Auriga, Peggy Bussieck

Language: German | Subtitles: English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian (embed)

Country: Germany | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Brrip

Also known as: Cristiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo

Description: A teen girl in 1970’s Berlin becomes addicted to heroin. Everything in her life slowly begins to distort and disappear as she befriends a small crew of junkies and falls in love with a drug-abusing male prostitute.


3.34GB | 131mins | 1022×576 | mkv

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7 Responses to Christiane F (1981)

  1. Scott says:

    The rare English dubbed version located here :

    Unfortunately the UK VHS tape this is sourced from does contain a few cuts compared to the later released DVD versions.

    Hopefully one day someone might combine the audio from this and add it to the uncut version….. Enjoy.

  2. Scott says:

    Any chance of locating the English dubbed version of this ?

  3. From Chicago says:

    Thank you!!

  4. Christian says:

    Exactly @Lebster. It was kinda hip and relatable, so it didn´t necessarily repell kids but also had some kind of pull.

    @John: Mostly with my own kids. They didn´t watch through the movie and were bored. Movies like ‘Requiem for a dream’ worked better for them. Though the result is similar the way to addiction is different today.

  5. Lebster says:

    I agree with the comment above. i saw this when it came out in the cinemas and it was a very powerful experience. It was also a commercial hit because it was kind of hip in its day.
    Thanks a lot for this good quality rip!

  6. Christian says:

    This is a super realistic depiction of 1970s/80s West-Berlin’s dark side. Having lived through that time in Berlin I can assure you of that.

    Because of the convincing acting performance the movie has always been regarded as a bit ambiguous and probably even led some kids into the abyss.

    All the scenes were shot in original places.

    Highly recommended, though I found out it doesn’t work for younger generations any more. That kind of drug addiction seems not to be relatable any more. Nowadays it’s other drugs in different settings.

    • John says:

      Sure it was realistic. But leading kids into the abyss? i guess becoming a junkie and barely a teen prostitute was really attractive. i wouldn’t be too sure to assume that it doesn’t work on the younger generations. How did you actually find it didn’t work nowadays? Been to a big city with the kids doing anything for drugs? Still happens. The fentanyl and opioid crisis leaves its users in similar situations.

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