Cat People (1982)

Directed by: Paul Schrader

Stars:  Nastassja Kinski, Malcolm McDowell, John Heard

Language: English  + Commentary (2nd track) | Subtitles: English (embed)

(Commentary by Paul Schrader)

Country:  Usa |  Imdb Info | Ar: 1.85:1 | Brrip

Description: The Cat People originated way back in time, when humans sacrificed their women to leopards, who mated with them. Cat People look similar to humans, but must mate with other Cat People before they transform into panthers. Irene Gallier was raised by adoptive parents and meets her older brother Paul for the first time since childhood. We follow brother and sister – who seem to be the only ones of their kind left.


2.44GB | 118:01mins | 1920×1036 | mkv


====bluray extras====

Unleashing the Animal Within” 2014 interview with actress Nastassja Kinski

52MB | 5:56mins | 1280×720 | mkv | English


Making Memories” 2014 interview with actress Annette O’Toole

80MB | 8:25mins | 1280×720 | mkv | English


Caging the Animal” 2014 interview with actor John Heard

43MB | 6:12mins | 1280×720 | mkv | English


Reconnecting with Cat People” 2014 interview with actor Malcolm McDowell

59MB | 7:35mins | 1280×720 | mkv | English


Cat Fight” 2014 interview with actress Lynn Lowry

46MB | 5:53mins | 1280×694 | mkv | English


Composing a Cult Classic” 2014 interview with composer Giorgio Moroder

29MB | 5:52mins | 1280×720 | mkv | English


More Than a Remake” 2014 interview with director Paul Schrader

78MB | 9:13mins | 1280×720 | mkv | English


Cat People: An Intimate Portrait by Paul Schrader” 2002 featurette

197MB | 25:23mins | 954×720 | mkv | English


On the Set with Director Paul Schrader” 1981 interview

95MB | 10:21mins | 956×720 | mkv | English


Filmmaker Robert Wise on the Producer of the Original Cat People, Val Lewton” interview

14MB | 3:33mins | 952×720 | mkv | English


Cat People: A Discussion with Special Make-Up Effects Artist Tom Burman” featurette

119MB | 11:14mins | 952×704 | mkv | English


Cat People Matte Paintings” visual effects comparisons

19MB | 3:10mins | 1280×708 | mkv | English

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16 Responses to Cat People (1982)

  1. Bob says:

    Never knew prime Annette O’Toole was so hot, the earliest I remember her was Smallville Martha Kent, then she was a grandma in Halt & Catch Fire. Wow, smokeshow back in the day! You’re crazy John, give me red over Kinski any day! Especially considering the circumstances, lmao

  2. Anthony says:

    Thank you so much for all the extras, please ignore the haters!
    Great to see the cast reminisce about the movie.

  3. Mr.G. says:

    Amazing to see Paul Schrader over a span of 33 years in interviews. Just realized his incredible contribution as script writer to other cult films notably Scorsese’s Taxi Driver/1976., Raging Bull/1980, and more. Thanks RL!

    • Mr.G. says:

      …in the last one (2014) he had just released The Canyons (2013) with Lindsay Lohan. Still saying active at the forefront.

  4. BrainPecker says:

    Would it be possible to combine the extras all together in one archive file?
    Thank you!

  5. temnix says:

    The extras all look depressing. Who wants to see the actors in their old age talk about themselves from a time they barely remember? It’s useless. This movie was a moment of glory for them. If only they could have died young. I prefer to think that they have.

    • Bryan says:

      I personally am thankful for the extras.

    • Mr.G. says:

      That’s Hollywood as an industry of youth. Only nowadays blockbusters like Star Wars/Indiana Jones or Star Trek (Spok) use old and new stars, it’s a kind of reverence thing for the younger audience really (the only reason I can see!, unless older audience project their older self too).

  6. jack says:

    thanx mate

  7. Maitri says:

    Wow ! Thanks for providing all blu ray extras, very kind of you.

  8. Nathan says:

    thanks for adding commentary. Nastassja Kinksi at the height of her beauty

  9. Mike says:

    Thanx so much!

  10. Tony says:

    Just watched this again and it holds up. Thanks for the bonus content.

  11. rarelust says:


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