The Seduction of Amy (1975)


Directed by: Dale J. Martin, Jean Rollin

Stars: Evelyne Thomas, Jean-Louis Vattier, Rachel Mhas

Language: English

Country: France | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip

Also known as: Phantasmes

Description: An evil count lures beautiful women to his castle, there to imprison them in his torture chamber for his amusement.

Preview xxx English export version

2.08GB | 66:30mins | 720×480 | mkv | English



Preview French version


726MB | 84:14mins | 576×416 | avi | French | Sub: English

English Subtitles

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4 Responses to The Seduction of Amy (1975)

  1. baxter says:

    what’s with the french version? does it just have more story or are there XXX scenes missing?

  2. 6102grover says:

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Mr Arkadin says:

    Thanks for this, RL – one of Jean Rollin’s earliest adult flicks. Nice to something with normal sized cocks. Unfortunately, the subtitle file starts at 12mins 57 – covering the dialogue included in the shorter English dub.
    All the srt files I could find online were the same, except for this one in Spanish –
    A quick online subtitle translate (on a site like will give you subtitles for the missing first 12 mins. After that I switched back to RL’s subtitles, as the translation was making a mess of the personal pronouns. Unless you’re Spanish and can read the original!
    Also note, RL’s sub file translates the original title “Phantasmes” as “Fantasies”. Doesn’t take much grasp of the English language to see that somehting like “Ghosts” would be better.
    Any Jean Rollin always much appreciated – like the extremely comprehensive The Demoniacs also in this week’s RL post.
    Thanks again

  4. Robbytag says:

    For 70’s porn lovers. the ending scene of wild sex in beach sand is nice

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