Embrace the Darkness 2 (2002)

Directed by: Robert Kubilos

Actors: Jezebelle Bond, Tristen Coeur D’Alene and April Flowers

Language: English

Country: USA |  IMDB Info

Description:  Jennifer slain has been unwillingly indoctrinated into eternal life as a vampire. When they see that her hunger for primal sex is rivalled only by her thirst for blood, the other vampires show her a training ground where mortals serve only to satisfy the vampires sexual desires and carnal hunger.
In a desperate attempt to save her, Jen’s boyfriend and a vampire hunter devise a plan but may be in over their heads as danger and passion are the only laws when the dark creatures come out to embrace the darkness.


1.09gb | 89mins | 608×448 | avi

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3 Responses to Embrace the Darkness 2 (2002)

  1. David says:

    Good day, I want to ask if you know who sings the 1st song SO DIVINE, thanks for the answer, please send it to davidson79@email.cz

  2. ericshift says:

    Thanks RL.
    These are the best of this genre, but they’re are damn sexy.

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