Directed by: Lamberto Bava
Stars: Giovanni Guidelli, Debora Caprioglio, Stanko Molnar
Language: Italian | Subtitles: English (embed)
Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Dvdrip
Also known as: La maschera del demonio, The Mask of Satan
Description: A group of skiers on the Swiss Alps fall into a chasm opened during an avalanche. Inside, they find a metal mask of some sort, but more digging reveals a body hidden under the ice, the body of an executed witch, buried in the ice for centuries. Another avalanche seals them in. As they begin exploring this cavernous pit in the snow, they discover a strange underground city buried in the ice and snow, the same place the witch was executed. From then on, witch tries to avenge her death, possessing members of the ski group.
1.44GB | 93:50mins | 720×406 | mkv
Lamberto Bava’s awesome remake off his father’s famous, Black Sunday! Thank you for the upload!
Entertaining wintry Italian horror. Plus Italian audio with English subtitles, which I Like. Many thanks.
Demoni 5 , greate movie
Parts 1 and 2 are the best of italian horror movie by Dario Argento