Directed by: Gary Sherman
Stars: Rutger Hauer, Gene Simmons, Robert Guillaume
Language: English + Commentary (2nd track) | Subtitles: English (embed)
Commentary with director Gary Sherman and executive producer Arthur M. Sarkissian (2019)
Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Brrip
Description: Bounty hunter Nick Randall (Rutger Hauer) is offered two hundred fifty thousand dollars by the C.I.A. to get the terrorist behind the bombing of a Los Angeles, California movie theater. Nick quit the C.I.A. because he couldn’t trust them. Can they be trusted now, and can he stop the terrorists?
3.30GB | 106:40mins | 1920×1080 | mkv
====bluray extra====
Nuclear Winter 2019 interview with director Gary Sherman
172MB | 37:44mins | 854×480 | mkv | English
Life Before Thirtysomething” 2019 interview with co-star Mel Harris
35MB | 6:08mins | 854×480 | mkv | English
Very good action with Rutger Hauer playing the hero. Thanks for the commentary.
hello there my rare! also you can do please upload looking for mr goodbar on blu ray recently from vinegar have audio commentary with Gillian Wallace Horvat and the making of Looking for Mr. Goodbar interview with Douglass K. Daniel and interview with Judith Rossner and Defining Autonomy The Trial of Looking for Mr. Goodbar interview with Brent Cowley and also congo 4k blu ray from vinegar have audio commentary with Kelly Goodner and Jim Hemphill and features Looking Back at the Creation of Congo’s Gorillas interview with Stan Winston Studio and Withstand the Test of Time A Conversation with Congo’s Make-up FX Team interview with Matthew Mungle and Michael McCracken and journey into the Unknown? also thanks for this is really great underrated action flick.