Vixen! (1968)

Directed by: Russ Meyer

Stars: Erica Gavin, Garth Pillsbury, Harrison Page

Language: English + Directors Commentary (2nd track)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip

Also known as: Russ Meyer’s Vixen!

Description: Vixen lives in a Canadian mountain resort with her naive pilot husband. While he’s away flying in tourists, she gets it on with practically everybody including a husband and his wife, and even her biker brother. She is openly racist, and she makes it clear that she won’t do the wild thing with her brother’s biker friend, who is black.


1.57GB | 70:50mins | 698×538 | mkv


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4 Responses to Vixen! (1968)

  1. Ali says:

    Probably my favorite of all the Russ Meyer films…”Vixen” is a real experience!

  2. OSMOSIS says:

    They can’t make movies like this anymore, because nature don’t make women like this anymore. WOW!! Thanks for this Russ Meyers classic. (now to RUN–before some offended “femanazis” kick my butt for this comment–ha ha! Thanks again.)

    • Lagartija Nix says:

      I have never quite understood the so-called feminist attacks on Meyer’s films. The women in all his films are all tougher and smarter than the men. Men are painted as scheming lecherous types or muscle bound oafs. The few who are likable are weak and innocent. Women should actually sing their praises!

      • Possessed By Fire says:

        Most women in Meyer’s films were proud of him and enjoyed working with him, he is true professional and women were generally starred in a strong role and did have great lines.

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