Triple Deception (1956)

Directed by: Guy Green

Stars: Michael Craig, Anton Diffring, Gérard Oury

Language: English, Italian (2tracks)

Country: Uk | Imdb Info | Tvrip

Also known as: House of Secrets, L’uomo che vide il suo cadavere

Description Ship’s officer Larry Ellis is asked by the CIA to help infiltrate a forgery ring in France as he is almost a double for a dead double-crossing gold courier who worked for the gang. Ellis realises his life is at risk but that so is the stability of the money supplies of the Western world.


1.63GB | 93:07mins | 704×528 | avi

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3 Responses to Triple Deception (1956)

  1. Maestro says:

    No subtitles for the Italian audio parts?

  2. Davie says:

    Thanks RL you never cease to amaze.

  3. rarelust says:

    Note: as this uncut italian tvrip much longer than original eng print thats why approx 10min eng audio is missing when u watch flick as using eng track..

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