The Capsule (2012)


Directed by: Athina Rachel Tsangari

Stars: Ariane Labed, Clémence Poésy, Isolda Dychauk

Language: French | Subtitles: English (hard)

Country: Greece | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Dvdrip

Description:  Seven girls, a mansion perched on a Cycladic rock, a cycle of lessons on discipline, desire and demise-infinitely.


147MB | 37:17mins | 704×404 | mkv

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2 Responses to The Capsule (2012)

  1. mranvick says:

    Very experimental, not for all audiences, but interesting! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Dr. Barry Nyle says:

    Thanks alot for the upload!! Looked for this a long time, hyped to finally see it.

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