Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You’re Under Arrest (1971)


Directed by: León Klimovsky, Sergio Bergonzelli

Stars: Espartaco Santoni, Peter Lee Lawrence, Aldo Sambrell

Language: English, Italian, German (3tracks) | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.85:1 | Brrip

Also known as: Su le mani, cadavere! Sei in arresto

Description: The sole survivor, named Sando Kid (Peter Lee Lawrence), of a Northern slaughter seeks vendetta. After suffering atrocity, Kid executes a single-handedly revenge, he ravages, he hits and kills each person involved in the massacre. He is relentless in his vendetta, deadly in his violence. Sando enlists Texas Rangers, hunts outlaws (Luis Barboo) and meets a sympathetic bounty hunter…


4.04GB | 92:30mins | 1920×1036 | mkv | English, Italian, German (3tracks) | Sub: English

====bluray extra====

Spanish Kinoversion

3.24GB | 87:03mins | 1920×1036 | mkv | Spanish, German (2tracks) | no sub

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