Mouth to Mouth (1978)


Directed by: John Duigan

Stars: Kim Krejus, Sonia Peat, Ian Gilmour

Language: English | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Australia | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.85:1 | Dvdrip

Description: Mouth to Mouth follows the lives of four young people, trying to improve their lives in a harsh and unforgiving city.


826MB | 93:09mins | 720×560 | mp4

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5 Responses to Mouth to Mouth (1978)

  1. matt says:

    Thank you RL.

    Can you find ‘In Search of Anna’ from 1978?

    Thanks again!

  2. Ali says:

    Nice, sweet movie; thanks for this forgotten gem.

  3. Gene says:

    A major affirmative on the other comments.
    This film has also not been readily findable for a long time.
    A fine addition to RL.

  4. nick says:

    A very good & very little known Australian movie. John Duigan the director went on to make many good films including The Wide Sargasso Sea & a few others on this website. Thanks again Mister Rare Lust!!

  5. Norm says:

    love Duigan.. thank you!

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