Madame Bovary (1949)


Directed by: Vincente Minnelli

Stars: Jennifer Jones, James Mason, Van Heflin

Language: English | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.370 | Brrip

Description: A provincial doctor’s wife’s romantic illusions about life and social status lead her to betray her naive husband, take on lovers, and run up ruinous debts.


6.98GB | 114:46mins | 1480×1080 | mkv

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One Response to Madame Bovary (1949)

  1. Jesse Baker says:

    Is this the version, where to get around the MPAA censorship, the film basically framed the movie as a cautionary tale of moral corruption and based it around two framing sequence set at an obscenity trial with the author of Madam Bovary throws shade after shade about the character and how it wasn’t supposed to be an instruction manual ala Sex and the City and was written as a warning to women not to behave like Bovary?

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