Honey (1981)

Directed by: Gianfranco Angelucci

Stars: Clio Goldsmith, Catherine Spaak, Fernando Rey

Language: Italian | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.85:1 | Brrip

Also known as: Miele di donna

Description: The young, naive Annie enters a hotel to spend the night – without knowing that it’s this special kind of hotel, that serves more than breakfast. Curiously she walks around and watches the maids doing their job. She’s especially fascinated of a forbidden room, where a silent, strange guy lives.

Preview Brrip Italian Audio Version

2.88GB | 89:10mins | 1920×1040 | mkv | Italian | Sub: English



Preview English Audio  Vhs Version

746mb | 82:57mins | 576×432 | avi | English

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8 Responses to Honey (1981)

  1. k boyd says:

    One of the greatest late night 80’s movies ever.

  2. Enrober says:

    The lead actress, quite a character in her own right:

    “Clio Goldsmith (born 16 June 1957)[1] is a French former actress, appearing mostly as a femme fatale in some films of the early 1980s. She is a member of the prominent Goldsmith family through her father ecologist Edward Goldsmith. Goldsmith was married to British travel writer Mark Shand, thus a former sister-in-law to Queen Camilla.”

  3. 6102grover says:

    Thank you for the upgrade.

  4. Robbytag says:

    thank you for the lovely nude movie

  5. Tony says:

    Thanks for both versions. Looks promising.

  6. eddelon says:

    Muchas gracias por la actualización a Brrip y los sub.

  7. dmiller says:

    Thank you

  8. rarelust says:


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