Hail, Mafia (1965)

Directed by: Raoul Lévy

Stars: Eddie Constantine, Henry Silva, Jack Klugman

Language: English

Country: France | Imdb Info | Vhsrip

DescriptionA terrific film with a top-notch cast! Jack and Henry play hit men ordered to kill Eddie. Jack is torn between his orders and the loyalty he feels to his old pal, Eddie. An intriguing look at the emotional make-up of Mafia hit men.


1.03GB | 88mins | 688×528 | mkv | English

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3 Responses to Hail, Mafia (1965)

  1. Ali says:

    Ultra rare gem starring Henry Silva, hard to believe this great mob film hasn’t gotten the blu ray restoration treatment. Maybe the original film has been lost to time. Thanks for keeping this and other rarities from being lost forever…

  2. BonnieBarko says:

    reminds me of “Johnny Cool” 1963 with H.Silva and Elizabeth Montgomery, an outstanding, fast and merciless revenge-story – that I can not find anywhere. Any chance of uploading here? thx!

  3. Lewis says:

    Thanks you’re a Don!

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