Goodbye Uncle Tom (1971)


Directed by: Gualtiero Jacopetti, Franco Prosperi

Stars: Stefano Sibaldi, Dick Gregory, Gualtiero Jacopetti

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 2.40:1 | uhd Brrip

Also known as: Addio zio Tom, White Devil: Black Hell

Description: Two documentary filmmakers go back in time to the pre-Civil War American South, to film the slave trade.

Preview Italian Version Directors Cut

3.16GB | 135:48mins | 1920×802 | mkv | Italian | Sub: English



Preview English Export Version

2.94GB | 123:17mins | 1920×802 | mkv | English | Sub: English, Spanish


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12 Responses to Goodbye Uncle Tom (1971)

  1. Christopher Seay says:

    I concur that the Italian Cut is definitely different from the International/American Cut. Of the 2, I prefer the International Cut. It might be silly to say, but it is “subtler”. The Italian Cut is definitely more acidic and Anti American, while ignoring Europe’s involvement in the slave trade altogether. Still, I would watch the International Cut first, and then the Italian Cut. Same with the 2 versions of “To Be Twenty”. It is very interesting to see how editing alone can play an important and powerful factor in how a movie plays.

  2. David Hardy says:

    12 & a half minutes difference in the English version, compared with the Italian. One has to wonder exactly what it is that they’ve chosen to remove!!

  3. Cam says:

    I assume the Italian Director’s Cut and English versions are the same as in this article, in which case, there are reasons to consider one over the other, even though the Directors Cut would seem definitive. Neither is more censored, both cuts push boundaries in certain shot edits, and the trimmed material is often a creative choice rather than for controversy. So pick the version which works best for you, and maybe keep both cuts handy for when you think you’d like to try the other.

    (Also, one is voiced in English and the other is Italian with subs.)

  4. Mr.G. says:

    both exist on youtube albeit at a lesser res, highly contemporary with modern slavery and that Rwanda deal is Michael Winterbottom;s “In This World” (2002/88mins) if available would be awesome to upload.

  5. Maurizio Tomassini says:

    any chance of postinh these movies

    The Wall
    TV Movie

    A dramatic re-enactment of the Warsaw Ghetto Jewish uprising in April 1943 were 650 armed members of the Jewish Fighting Organization of Poland held off a 3,000 strong Nazi force in which only a handful of Jews survived

    Hit the Dutchman (1992)

    Arthur Flegenheimer is a thief recently released from prison who is recruited by noted hood Jack “Legs” Diamond.

  6. Ariel Bender says:

    Good or bad, this one always gets a reaction. The American and Italian versions have some substantial differences (I prefer the Italian) and both are worth a watch if you’re up for it. This is prime subversive grindhouse exploitation. Thanks for both versions. Check out the documentary ‘The Godfathers of Mondo’ (2003). It’s about the controversial directors Gualtiero Jacopetti & Franco Prosperi

  7. GrabRodholster says:

    This movie is NUTS. The Italian cut is recommended.

  8. Also thanks you rarelust. Please can do you upload the borrower 1991 blu ray version have audio commentary with Director John McNaughton And Producer Steven A. Jones and special features and Head’s Up! An Interview With Special Makeup Effects Artist Everett Burrell and Early Special Makeup Effects Test Footage By KNB EFX from Sf mr rarelust? Thanks you anything.

  9. MIke B says:


  10. Tony says:

    Wild premise. I love the 70s exploitation approach to the slave era. Never disappoints.

  11. Dean says:

    Thank you Rarelust.

  12. rarelust says:


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