Forgotten Silver (1995)


Directed by: Costa Botes, Peter Jackson

Stars: Peter Jackson, Jeffrey Thomas, Costa Botes

Language: English

Country: New Zealand | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Brrip

Description: The film deals with the career of a supposedly forgotten pioneer of international cinema, Colin McKenzie, who was allegedly born in rural New Zealand in 1888.


4.37GB | 54:49mins | 1920×1080 | mkv

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7 Responses to Forgotten Silver (1995)

  1. SS says:

    Great movie. There’s also an amazing NZ short that played with this (at least when I saw it in NYC) called Signing Off. Would love a copy of that if you can find it.

  2. Cam says:

    Oh man, I’m psyched, looking forward to seeing this!
    I used to have an old DIVX Stage6 rip (man, that was a while ago…) but the resolution was so low that i never popped it in. I kept hoping to get a real DVD/BD but the prices were nuts since it was out of print.

  3. Biff says:

    Really needs to include The “making of” documentary. I think it is called something like Behind the Bullshit. It is included in the DVD boxed set.

  4. Jaunty Turtle says:

    I’ve seen this and it’s a good watch. Very entertaining if you’re in on the joke. I too heard that a lot of people were mad when the found out this was all a gag.

    I wonder if the director’s career every recovered from the scandal??

    • Cam says:

      I don’t think there was a serious, lasting backlash? Director Costa Botes has worked fairly steadily for 3 decades and has several festival-winning documentaries. He never made anything as prominent and renown as Forgotten Silver, but you could say that about many other doc directors who have had a lucky one break through.

  5. Harlan says:

    Ah, Jackson’s infamous mockumentary that fooled all of the Pacific. I take it he made a lot of people angry, when they realized they had been made fools of. Unless that’s an urban tale.

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