Crinoline Head (1996)


Directed by: Tommy Faircloth

Stars: Richard Abbott, Tommy Faircloth, Billie Fontane

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Vhsrip

Description: In this slasher movie parody, students vacationing at a summer house are targeted by a mystery killer.


698MB | 90:02mins | 512×384 | avi | English

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11 Responses to Crinoline Head (1996)

  1. FULCI67 says:

    Thank you RL ???

  2. Buck Flower says:

    So nice to have this original version. I really don’t like the opening credits for the new DVD version; it tries way too hard to be something that this movie clearly just is not. The multi-color, home-made opening credits complimented the movie much better.

  3. GenerationAx says:

    Any chance we might see Generation Ax (2001) as well?

    I was able to get the Crinoline Head DVD-R when the director was selling them, but missed out on Generation Ax and always regretted it. Would love to finally see it!

    Thank you!

  4. Jim says:

    Wow! I cant believe you posted this one!

    Any chance of posting the follow-up too? Its called dollface and it stars the always amazing Debbie Rochon.

  5. Kevin B says:

    I owned this and Generation Ax (2001) on VHS. As mentioned the movies were promoted in Fangoria often. Buy one, get the other free! Both, C Head and Ax were made on a shoe string budget, but the dialogue is pure gold. My fans and I would quote those movies for years; almost like an inside joke. I *think* the movies were shot in North (or South) Carolina.

    C. Head has a sequel aka Doll Face (2014) .

  6. Jay says:

    Thank you Thank you Thank you!! You are like the obscure movie messiah. I appreciate it so much

  7. From Chicago says:


  8. Tony says:

    Wow. This is an obscure one. I remember an old issue of Fangoria magazine I had doing a piece on it. Glad to finally check it out.

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