Castle of Blood (1964)

Directed by: Sergio Corbucci

Stars: Barbara Steele, Georges Rivière, Margrete Robsahm

Language: English, French (2tracks) | Subtitles: English (for some french parts)

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Dvdrip (uncut)

DescriptionA writer accepts a bet that he cannot spend the night alone in a haunted castle on All Soul’s Eve. Once night falls at the castle, several who had been murdered therein return to life, reliving their deaths and seeking to kill the writer for his blood in a vain attempt to stay alive beyond that one night. Barbara Steele, as one of the living dead, tries to aid his escape from the castle.



1.46GB | 89:09mins | 872×480 | mkv

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9 Responses to Castle of Blood (1964)

  1. Sandro says:

    Many thanks!

  2. wisher says:

    Just a suggestion. In the future, if you get your hands on the new 4k version that was released recently, please post it. It has very good special features and a commentary track.

  3. uljanow says:

    any chance for full dvd?

  4. kramer820 says:

    Just a heads up: the video quality is okay, but not the best.
    BUT this is the uncut version of the movie with the short nude scene of Sylvia Sorrente taking of her clothes.
    As far as I know, all other version on the web are cut.

  5. d. miller says:

    Thank you, as usual for another great flick.

  6. cornélius says:

    Merci beaucoup pour ce film.

  7. Leandro says:

    Thank you so much rare! made my night. Keep up the good work

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