Directed by: Giorgio Ferroni
Stars: Taina Elg, Pierre Brice, Alberto Lupo
Language: English, Spanish (2tracks)
Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 2.40:1 | Dvdrip
Also known as: Le baccanti
Description: The god Dionysus decides to pay a visit to the city of Thebes.
1.45GB | 96:45mins | 1025×432 | mkv
This is the most stupid “title” I ever read (in relation to the content). However, the originally US- and UK-title was “The Bacchantes”, what is a absolutely correct translation of the italian and french title.
awesome title translation
Bondage Gladiator Sexy…. wow, is that really the title they came up with in 1961?
Excellent. Thank you.