Black Lemons (1970)


Directed by: Camillo Bazzoni

Stars: Antonio Sabato, Peter Carsten, Silvano Tranquilli

Language: English, Italian (2tracks)

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 2.000 | Dvdrip

Also known as: E venne il giorno dei limoni neri, Mafia Connection

Description: A man with mafia connection’s is wrongfully sent away to prison. Shortly after his release from prison he discovers that his former business associates the Mafia are behind his wife’s death. Along the way he meets a disgruntled ex-mafia who helps him get his revenge against those responsible for this wife’s death.


1.50GB | 99:18mins | 608×304 | mkv | English, Italian (2tracks)

English Subtitles

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5 Responses to Black Lemons (1970)

  1. Colin Belfit says:

    Hi RL. I have an accurate pair of subtitles for both English and Italian audio. I can send them to you if you like.
    Watching the movie in Italian with English subtitles is nice!

  2. Justin says:

    Thanks for responding to my request, RL! I am downloading this movie now, and thanks for including the version with the English dub!

  3. Ali says:

    Looks like a good one, Antonio Sabato made some fantastic crime/mafia movies that never get the attention they deserve. This looks like a prequel to “Gangsters,” from 1977, another great one posted here recently.

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