Amor Estranho Amor (1982)

Directed by: Walter Hugo Khouri

Stars: Vera Fischer, Tarcísio Meira, Xuxa Meneghel

Country: Brazil | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip + Webrip

Also known as: Love Strange Love

Description: Man remembers 48 crucial hours in his life when, as a teenager, he visited his mother, the favorite woman of an important politician, in a bordello owned by her, right before some important political changes in Brazil, in 1937. In those hours, he discovers his own sexuality.

English Audio Dub Dvdrip

1.46GB | 120:10mins | 720×480 | mkv | English

Portuguese Audio Webrip

1.71GB | 121:26mins | 964×720 | mkv | Portuguese

eng subs found


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22 Responses to Amor Estranho Amor (1982)

  1. Sky Molaz says:

    I just wanna know who was the First Lady that tried to have s*c with Hugo

  2. Skii Molaz says:

    I just wanna know who was the First Lady that tried to have s*c with Hugo

  3. Rafael says:

    Really a bad movie, with “incestuous non sense”, but “famous” because the presence of Xuxa and the “legal problems” (a Xuxa judicial process against the film re-release in 1980s, when she was a children’s program presenter).

  4. Perdido says:

    Esse filme é perfeito.

  5. Perdido says:

    Um dos melhores filmes do mundo. Fantástico.

  6. Lee J says:

    Wow! Thanks all for the back ground. Thanjs RL!

  7. random says:

    How to download ? guide please

  8. marciothrasher says:

    My fellow brazilians have already annexed this comment section to our country’s territory ?

  9. Jojov says:

    Really bad movie. No history, no sense… just naked girls and women with a boy. It is almost a pedo movie. GARBAGE

    • heberton arduini says:

      oh no, it’s a great film. I don’t know where you are from but you must be unaware of Brazilian politics and customs. helps a lot. Amor Estranho Amor takes place in 1937, more specifically on the eve of the coup given by Getúlio Vargas, the result of which was the cancellation of elections and the institution of the so-called Estado Novo. This historical context is essential to the film

      Dr. Osmar (Tarcísio Meira), aspiring to public office, in addition to maintaining the luxury brothel that marked the protagonist’s past, is the lover of his mother, Anna (Vera Fischer). The shock of Hugo’s naivete with the hypersexualized environment precedes the event that, in a way, paved the way for the infamous civil-military coup of 1964. he longingly peers into the spaces of childhood weakens possible more intimate correspondences between the uniqueness of his experience and the turbulence that came over those moments surrounded by tension. However, from Khouri’s perspective, the simultaneity of these transformations is not significant.

      Constant in Amor Estranho Amor, one of the ghosts that the adult Hugo encounters in this emotional archeology, incest presents itself as an impulse in the sequence that shows the boy looking forward to his mother’s bath, soon after discarding the advances of a naked beauty. The future consummation, responsible for triggering the taboo, does not seem psychologically painful to the protagonist, who retrospectively “stares” the episode with a tender smile on his face. Walter Hugo Khouri does not pursue obvious reactions to actions, however controversial they may be.

  10. Redibenguer says:

    Just a correction to what our friend ComiAXuxa said. The Xuxa Show (Xou da Xuxa in the original) started in 1986, not in the 90s. So this film is only 4 years older than this TV show. And before Xou da Xuxa she presented another program for children on another station. This other program was called Clube da Criança (something like “Kid’s Club” or “Children’s Club”). This is the real reason why she tried to ban this film from Brazil, because soon after it she became a presenter of children’s programs.

  11. Roberto Garcia says:

    After four decades, Canal Brasil (Brazil Channel, a cable TV dedicated only to Brazilian movies), showed it fully, a few weeks ago. What ComiAXuxa (I Did Xuxa) said is real, but the children’s queen (as she was known here for many years) is like a sacred person. Nobody dares to speak anything against her, one can be hung in a public square for desecrating the ‘kid’s queen’ (title made by Globo TV, our “CBS”). But Walter Hugo Khouri was one of the greatest (R.I.P.) directors Brazil always had, he is like a Brazilian Antonioni. Really the same level! Please post others flicks, like Noite Vazia and As Amorosas, Rarelust.

  12. Loiro says:

    Probably the Brazilian’s most controversial movie ever. One of the stars, Xuxa, became the biggest TV host for children’s shows and dated Pelé at the time of the movie. She tried to ban this for years.

  13. Ali says:

    A special thanks for posting two different language versions of this rare and strange film. I downloaded the Portuguese language version and the picture quality is very nice.

  14. ComiAXuxa says:

    Oh boy… This film is banned here in Brazil. That woman who has sex with the boy has become the most famous woman in Brazil. In the 90s she presented a program for Children called “Show da Xuxa” It is worthwhile to take a look at Google. Brazil is fucking weird.

  15. Boyu says:

    Which version has more T&A ?

    • Ali says:

      Boyu; the two are essentially the same, but the final sex scene runs about 10 seconds longer in the Portuguese language version, where some quick shots were trimmed for the English language version, probably because of the boy’s age..

  16. Ali says:

    Does the Portuguese audio version have English subtitles?

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