The Whistler (1944)


Directed by: William Castle

Stars: Richard Dix, Gloria Stuart, J. Carrol Naish

Language: English  + Commentary (2nd track) | Subtitles: English (embed)

commentary on “The Whistler” by film historian Josh Nelson (2024)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Brrip

Description: A guilt-ridden man blames himself for his wife’s death and secretly pays an assassin to kill him. But then he finds out that his wife isn’t dead at all. And now the assassin is on his trail, with no way to call off the hit.


3.73GB | 60:09mins | 1436×1080 | mkv


====bluray extras====

A Whistle-Stop Tour: Kim Newman on the Whistler Series” 2024 interview

134MB | 22:32mins | 854×480 | mkv | English


It’s Your America” 1945 short film  | imdb
This short–long rumored to have been directed by John Ford–was produced by the US government specifically for veterans returning home from World War II, showing them what their responsibilities as citizens were now that they were returning to civilian life.

1.26GB | 36:11mins | 1440×1080 | mkv | English | Sub: English

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2 Responses to The Whistler (1944)

  1. Ariel Bender says:

    One of William ‘The Tingler’ Castle’s first directorial efforts! An often overlooked item in his filmography. The commentary and extras are a welcome addition. Another early Castle film I’ve been trying to track down is ‘It’s a Small World’ (1950). One look at its IMDb page will explain why – “The Amazing Story of a Man Forced to Live in a Child’s World!”

  2. dmiller says:

    Thank you for bringing us hi def, with commentary tracks. plus the extras. It’s greatly appreciated.

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