The Harrad Experiment (1973)

Directed by: Ted Post

Stars: Don Johnson, James Whitmore, Tippi Hedren

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

Description: At Harrad College, where controversial coed living situations are established, the students are forced to confront their sexuality in ways that society previously shunned. Part of the experiment is to pair incompatible members of the opposite sex as roommates in order to make them shun the traditional concept of monogamy. The film’s primary two “couples” are the sex-crazed Stanley and ultra-timid Sheila, and insecure Harry and liberated Beth. In charge of the “experiment” are Prof. Philip Tenhausen and his wife, Margaret, who seem to enjoy the tension they instigate, as well as the graphic sexual episodes that unfold.


900Mb | 96:53mins | 800×450 | avi

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6 Responses to The Harrad Experiment (1973)

  1. Adix says:

    Hi rarelust there is a sequel “Harrad Summer” (1974). Do you know if it’s possible to find it? Many thanks in advance

  2. Living_Dead_Girl says:

    There is a film called “The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart,” that is a sex and drug crazed movie, that was the debut film of Don Johnson. That movie is literally impossible to find, though it has played on Canadian tv in the past, so there is a print in existence. Anyone who thought “The Harrad Experiment” was a racy film, haven’t seen “Stanley Sweetheart” yet. Searching this title for years has turned up nothing. If the Rarelust team comes across this title it would be incredible!

    • Ali says:

      I requested this title here too; If these guys can’t find it then it must be a lost film…A real tragedy too; “Stanley Sweetheart” is an ICONIC document of the 1960’s counterculture, featuring appearances from many characters from the Warhol crowd..It’s also one of the finest New York City movies of all time…

  3. Wendel says:

    Surprising cast for this kind of film even in the early 1970s.

  4. Philippe from France says:

    Thanks !

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