Directed by: William Fruet
Stars: Kip Gilman, Barbara Law, Jayne Catling
Language: English
Country: Canada | Imdb Info | Vhsrip
Description: A young businessman, out joging one night, sees a beautiful woman undressing in her bedroom window and he is compelled to return every night to watch her, until one night he witnesses a murder in the same apartment and soon becomes the prime suspect because of a variety of circumstances evolving from his voyeurism.
1.09GB | 89:41mins | 656×464 | avi
@Paul W Your sons want their tablets for one reason only. Looking at girls online and jerking. Nothing has changed since your own youth …
It was good. Thanks.
Use to jerk also to a part in this movie back when I was a teenager 2.
Funny when I was a teenager back in the 80’s all I thought about was girls and jerking. Now have 2 teenage boys and all they think about are video games and tablets. Now the times have changed.
I used to jack to this movie when it first came out back when I was a teenager.
Been trying to find a copy of this movie for years now.