Baskin (1977)


Directed by: Atif Yilmaz

Stars: Cüneyt Arkin, Necla Nazir, Ekrem Bora

Language: Turkish | Subtitles: English (srt)

Country: Turkey | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:10 | Webrip

Description: Murat runs a casino. He has promised his pregnant wife Nilgun that he would give up this business. Inspector Sahin is after Murat, but never has sufficient evidence against him. One day at a police raid, he arrests Murat, but when somebody else confesses, Murat is released. Sahin begins to follow Murat and surrounds the house he stays at.


1.60GB | 85:06mins | 1920×1080 | mkv

English Subtitles

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